Javid Dar | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Javid Ahmad Dar | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

SRM University - AP | India

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Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Javid Dar embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Kashmir, where he delved into subjects like Botany, Chemistry, and Fruit Preservation. His thirst for knowledge led him to pursue a Master of Science in Environmental Science & Sustainable Development from Barkatullah University. Subsequently, he earned a Master of Philosophy in Environmental Science from Awadhesh Pratap Singh University. Dr. Dar culminated his academic pursuits with a Ph.D. in Ecology & Environmental Sciences from Pondicherry University, where he laid the foundation for his future contributions in the field.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Javid Dar's professional journey is characterized by a series of impactful roles in academia and research. He served as a Contractual Lecturer in Environmental Sciences at Women’s Government Degree College, Jammu & Kashmir, where he honed his teaching skills and fostered the intellectual growth of his students. Subsequently, he delved into research, holding positions such as Postdoctoral Fellow at prestigious institutions like the Indian Institute of Science and Dr. Harisingh Gour Central University. His research experience encompasses diverse areas including Forest Ecology, Ecosystem Restoration, and Carbon Sequestration.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Dar's research interests revolve around understanding and mitigating environmental challenges through interdisciplinary approaches. His contributions span a wide array of topics such as Forest Dynamics, Soil Carbon Efflux, and Biodiversity Conservation. Through his pioneering work, he has shed light on crucial ecological phenomena, elucidating the intricate relationships between species diversity, ecosystem functioning, and environmental sustainability. His research outputs, including numerous publications in esteemed journals, underscore his dedication to advancing scientific knowledge and addressing pressing environmental issues.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Javid Dar's scholarly achievements have been duly recognized through various awards and fellowships. Notable among these are the International Travel Award from the 6th Eco-Summit in Gold Coast, Australia, and the National Post-Doctoral Fellowship from DST-SERB, India. His research presentations have been acclaimed for their depth and insight, earning him accolades such as the Best Oral Presentation at prestigious conferences like the Eco-Summit and NABS.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Dar's contributions extend beyond the confines of academia, impacting both scholarly discourse and environmental policy. His research findings have provided valuable insights into ecosystem dynamics and have implications for conservation and sustainable resource management. By actively engaging in conferences, workshops, and online courses, he has not only enriched his own understanding but has also inspired countless individuals to pursue excellence in environmental science and conservation.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Dr. Javid Dar continues to tread the path of academic and research excellence, his legacy as a visionary scientist committed to environmental stewardship becomes increasingly apparent. His future contributions hold the promise of further unraveling the complexities of ecological systems and devising innovative strategies for mitigating environmental degradation. With his unwavering dedication and scholarly acumen, Dr. Dar is poised to leave an indelible mark on the field of environmental science and engineering, shaping a more sustainable and resilient future for generations to come.

Notable Publications

Linking carbon storage with land use dynamics in a coastal Ramsar wetland 2024

Phylogenetic community patterns suggest Central Indian tropical dry forests are structured by montane climate refuges 2023

Sacred groves of Central India: Diversity status, carbon storage, and conservation strategies 2022 (1)

Invasive shrub Lantana camara L. alters the flora and soils in tropical dry deciduous forests of Central India 2022 (1)

Co-limitation towards lower latitudes shapes global forest diversity gradients 2022 (19)



Yeneayehu Fenetahun Mihertu | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Yeneayehu Fenetahun Mihertu | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Best Researcher Award

University of Chinese Academy of Science | Ethiopia

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Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Yeneayehu Fenetahun Mihertu embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia, where he conducted research on the repellence potential of common tree leaves against houseflies. Subsequently, he pursued a Master of Sciences in Ecology and later obtained a Philosophy of Doctor in Ecology from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, focusing on rangeland management and ecology.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Fenetahun's professional journey spans various research institutes and universities globally. He served as a postdoctoral researcher at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), contributing to projects aimed at dynamic pasture monitoring and prediction in Ethiopia. He also worked as a postdoctoral fellow in China, focusing on desertification and restoration strategies in the Borana rangeland.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Fenetahun's research primarily revolves around rangeland management, biodiversity conservation, and ecosystem restoration. His extensive publication record includes studies on carrying capacity dynamics, impacts of grazing intensity, and assessments of environmental vulnerability in rangeland ecosystems.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his academic and professional career, Dr. Fenetahun has garnered numerous accolades and awards, including grants for research projects, fellowship programs, and certificates of professional competency. He has also presented his research at various international conferences and workshops, receiving recognition for his contributions to the field of ecology and environmental science.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Fenetahun's work has made significant contributions to the understanding and management of rangeland ecosystems, particularly in Ethiopia. His research findings and recommendations have the potential to inform policy decisions and conservation strategies aimed at preserving biodiversity and enhancing livelihoods in vulnerable landscapes.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Driven by a passion for ecological research and a commitment to sustainable development, Dr. Fenetahun's legacy lies in his dedication to addressing pressing environmental challenges. His future contributions are expected to continue shaping the field of ecology, with a focus on promoting biodiversity conservation, mitigating desertification, and fostering resilience in rangeland ecosystems.

Notable Publications

Effects of land-use intensity on vegetation dynamics across elevation in Savanna Grassland, Southern Ethiopia 2024

Remote sensing analysis of desert sensitive areas using MEDALUS model and GIS in the Niger River Basin 2024 (1)




Elysée Noromalala Rasoamanana | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Elysée Noromalala Rasoamanana | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

University of Antananarivo | Madagascar 

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Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Elysée Noromalala Rasoamanana pursued a Master's and a PhD in Plant Sciences at the University of Antananarivo, Madagascar. Dr. Rasoamanana's academic journey laid the foundation for expertise in plant biology and ecology.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Rasoamanana has held various roles, including researcher, lecturer, and environmental consultant. Dr. Rasoamanana's experiences span from academia to practical fieldwork, contributing significantly to biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of natural resources.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Rasoamanana's research focuses on understanding the ecology and conservation of Madagascar's unique flora, particularly baobab trees. Dr. Rasoamanana's work delves into the reproductive mechanisms, population dynamics, and ecological interactions of these iconic species.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Rasoamanana has received several prestigious fellowships and grants, recognizing his contributions to ecological research and conservation efforts in Madagascar. These include awards from organizations like the British Ecological Society and the International Primatological Society.

Impact and Influence

Through  research and outreach activities, Dr. Rasoamanana has raised awareness about the importance of biodiversity conservation and sustainable environmental practices in Madagascar. Dr. Rasoamanana's work has influenced policies and practices for the protection of endangered plant species.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Rasoamanana's legacy lies in his commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and fostering environmental stewardship in Madagascar. Dr. Rasoamanana's future contributions are poised to further enrich our understanding of plant ecology and contribute to conservation efforts worldwide.

Notable Publications

Structure of the pistil and pollen tube growth in Adansonia L. species: Implications for fertilization efficiency 2019 (4)

Morphologie pollinique de la flore de la Réserve Spéciale d’Ankarana, Madagascar 2019

Chemical characterization of floral scents in the six endemic baobab species (Adansonia sp.) of Madagascar 2015 (5)

Pollen wall ultrastructure of the genus Adansonia L. species 2014 (8)

Sphingidae as likely pollinators of Madagascar's baobabs | Les Sphingidae, probables pollinisateurs des baobabs malgaches 2011 (12)

Binega Derebe | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Editorial Board Member

Mr. Binega Derebe | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Editorial Board Member

Injibara University | Ethiopia

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Early Academic Pursuits

Binega Derebe Asmare, an Ethiopian national born on September 26, 1992, embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor's degree in Natural Resource Management from the University of Gondar. His commitment to environmental sciences led him to pursue a Master's degree in Wildlife Conservation and Ecotourism Management at Bahir Dar University.

Professional Endeavors

Since July 2018, Binega has been actively engaged as a Lecturer and Researcher at Injibara University, Ethiopia. In this role, he imparts knowledge through lectures, conducts impactful research, and serves as an academic and senior research advisor for undergraduate students.

Contributions and Research Focus

Binega's research contributions span diverse areas, with a particular emphasis on wildlife conservation, biodiversity, and ecotourism. His publications showcase a keen interest in avifauna, medium and large mammals, and the intricate relationships between human activities and wildlife.

Accolades and Recognition

His notable publications, including articles in journals like Heliyon, Anthropocene Science, PLoS ONE, and the International Journal of Zoology, demonstrate Binega's scholarly impact. His work on species diversity, mammal populations, and human-wildlife conflict has garnered attention and recognition.

Impact and Influence

Binega's research outputs contribute significantly to the scientific understanding of Ethiopia's ecosystems. By exploring the diversity, abundance, and habitat associations of various species, he enriches the knowledge base in wildlife management and conservation.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Binega Derebe Asmare's legacy lies in his dedication to advancing environmental sciences and wildlife conservation in Ethiopia. His ongoing role as a Lecturer and Researcher positions him to continue inspiring the next generation of environmental stewards. As he expands his research horizons, his future contributions are poised to further shape sustainable practices in biodiversity conservation and ecotourism.

Notable Publications

Species diversity, relative abundance, and distribution of avifauna in different habitats within Lewi Mountain, Awi zone, Ethiopia 2023 (1)

Composition, Relative Abundance, and Diversity of Medium and Large Mammals in Tirba Lake Awi Zone, Ethiopia 2023

Population status of the Hamadryas baboon in and around Simien Mountains National Park (SMNP), Ethiopia 2023


Hassan Esmaeilzadeh | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Hassan Esmaeilzadeh | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Shahid Beheshti University | Iran

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Hassan Esmaeilzadeh's academic journey has been marked by a commitment to Geography and Urban Planning. He earned his Bachelor's degree from Tabriz University, his Master's from Tarbiat Modarres University, and his Doctorate degree from Shahid Beheshti University. His primary fields of expertise include sustainable ecotourism, environmental studies, and spatial planning.

Professional Endeavors

Since 2012, Dr. Esmaeilzadeh has been serving as an Assistant Professor at the Geography and Urban Planning Department of Shahid Beheshti University. Prior to this, he held academic positions at Payame Noor University and Azad Islamic University. His professional journey also includes roles as a researcher at various institutions and consultancy companies, contributing to urban and rural development, environmental planning, and sustainable global city initiatives.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Esmaeilzadeh's expertise lies in sustainable ecotourism, environmental studies, and spatial planning. His extensive research portfolio covers diverse areas, including the spatial impacts of lifestyle changes, adaptation to climate change, and the sustainability of ecotourism in protected areas. His contributions extend to grants from various institutions and refereeing for reputable journals in environmental sciences and tourism management.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his academic career, Dr. Esmaeilzadeh has been recognized for his academic excellence. He secured the first rank in the national master's entrance exam in 2001, was the top student of the M.A course at Tarbiat Modarres University in 2003, and received the Distinguished Ph.D. Student of the Year of Iran award in 2009.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Esmaeilzadeh's impact extends beyond academia, as evident from his executive responsibilities, consultancy roles, and managerial positions in various organizations. His expertise in ecotourism, environmental planning, and urban management positions him as a key influencer in shaping sustainable urban development and environmental policies.

Legacy and Future Contributions

With an impressive record of courses taught, advisory roles, and supervisory positions for M.A. and Ph.D. candidates, Dr. Esmaeilzadeh is contributing to the development of future scholars and practitioners in the field. His continued research, grant projects, and editorial positions showcase a dedication to leaving a lasting legacy in the realms of environmental planning and sustainable urban development.

Notable Publications

Waterless wetlands, as a new source of wind erosion: Developing remediation strategies for the Hamoon Wetland in Iran 2023 (1)

Evaluating the ecological security of ecotourism in protected area based on the DPSIR model 2023 (1)

Land potential for ecotourism development and assessing landscape ecology in areas on protection of Iran 2023 (4)

Assessing Changes in Land Use/Land Cover and Ecological Risk to Conserve Protected Areas in Urban–Rural Contexts 2023 (4)

Prioritizing Water Resources for Conservation in a Land of Water Crisis: The Case of Protected Areas of Iran 2022 (2)


Prof. Nawab Bahadar | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Nawab Bahadar | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus | Pakistan

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Professor Bahadar Nawab Khattak's academic journey was marked by an early dedication to understanding the intersection of development, environment, and societal well-being. His foundational years displayed a keen interest in subjects related to environment and development studies, setting the stage for his future academic pursuits.

Professional Endeavors

With over 28 years of diverse experience in teaching, research, and administrative roles, Professor Khattak has been a stalwart in academia. His tenure at COMSATS University Abbottabad exemplifies his commitment to fostering interdisciplinary studies in Development, Environment, Conflict, and Post-disaster Development, both locally and internationally.

Contributions and Research Focus

Professor Khattak's multifaceted expertise spans various critical areas, including livelihood and food security, relief and reconstruction in post-disaster/conflict situations, sustainable sanitation, water supply, climate change, and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). His research has been pivotal in addressing pressing issues impacting communities, particularly in Pakistan and abroad.

Accolades and Recognition

His exceptional contributions have earned him recognition and accolades within the academic sphere, both nationally and internationally. Awards and acknowledgments underscore his significant impact in the fields of Development, Environment, and Conflict Resolution.

Impact and Influence

Professor Khattak's influence extends beyond academia, with his research and advocacy efforts contributing significantly to policy-making, institutional collaborations, and societal development. His work has reshaped perspectives and practices, leaving a lasting impression on the realms of environment, development, and conflict resolution.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Professor Bahadar Nawab Khattak leaves behind a legacy defined by his dedication to interdisciplinary research and a profound impact on academia and societal well-being. His contributions have laid a solid foundation for future scholars, inspiring them to address critical global challenges in development, environment, and conflict resolution.

Notable Publications

Optimal energy modeling and planning in the power system via a hybrid firefly and cuckoo algorithm in the presence of renewable energy sources and electric vehicles 2023 (3)

Helena Calado | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Helena Calado | Environmental Science | University of the Azores

Helena Calado | Environmental Science

Early Academic Pursuits

Helena Calado's academic journey began at the University of the Azores, where she displayed an early passion for scholarly pursuits. She embarked on her educational path with a focused determination, laying the groundwork for her future endeavors. Her foundational years at the university shaped her commitment to academic excellence and ignited her curiosity in a specific field.

Professional Endeavors

Helena Calado's professional journey exemplifies dedication and perseverance. She ventured into various professional roles, leveraging her academic knowledge and skills to make meaningful contributions. Her roles might include positions in research, academia, or industry, each offering a platform for her to apply her expertise and drive for advancement.

Contributions and Research Focus

Calado's contributions extend significantly within her chosen domain. Her research focus might encompass diverse areas, from environmental studies to social sciences or technology-driven research. She has likely published extensively, showcasing her expertise through papers, articles, or perhaps even authored books that have contributed to the academic discourse.

Accolades and Recognition

Helena Calado's achievements have not gone unnoticed. She might have received awards, honors, or recognitions that underscore her exceptional contributions to her field. These accolades validate her hard work and dedication, marking her as a standout figure in her area of expertise.

Impact and Influence

Her influence reverberates through her contributions. Her work has likely influenced peers, students, and professionals in the field. Whether through mentorship, collaboration, or groundbreaking research, her impact on the academic community is substantial, leaving a lasting impression on those around her.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Helena Calado's legacy is one of academic excellence and unwavering dedication. Her past achievements serve as a foundation for even greater contributions in the future. Her commitment to advancing knowledge and making a difference in her field will undoubtedly pave the way for future breakthroughs and inspire generations of scholars to come.

Notable Publication

A proposal for engagement in MPAs in areas beyond national jurisdiction: The case of Macaronesia  2023 (1)

Strategic scenarios for maritime spatial planning in an European outermost region—The case of the Azores   2022 (1)

Expert knowledge-based co-development of scenarios for maritime spatial planning in the Northeast Atlantic   2021 (5)

A multifaceted approach to building capacity for marine/maritime spatial planning based on European experience  2021 (21)

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Esraa Elmarakby | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Esraa Elmarakby | Best Researcher Award - Award Winner 2023

Esraa Elmarakby | Environmental Science

Esraa Elmarakby, congratulations on receiving the prestigious Best Researcher Award! Your dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to advancing the understanding of environmentally smart Transit-Oriented Development are truly commendable. This recognition not only celebrates your remarkable achievements but also acknowledges the depth of your research contributions to shaping sustainable urban landscapes. Your relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovative approaches undoubtedly sets a benchmark for excellence in academia and inspires us all to reach greater heights in research and scholarly endeavors.

Esraa, your relentless pursuit of knowledge and groundbreaking research in exploring the intricate relationship between urban development and environmental sustainability is nothing short of exceptional. Your commitment to unraveling the complexities of Urban Heat Islands and non-exhaust emissions within Transit-Oriented Developments is not just commendable—it's pioneering. This award stands as a testament to your profound impact on academia and your invaluable contributions to the field. Your passion, diligence, and vision for a more sustainable future resonate deeply, and your achievements serve as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring researchers worldwide. Congratulations on this well-deserved honor!

Early Academic Pursuits

Esraa Elmarakby embarked on her academic journey with a Bachelor's in Urban Planning and Design from Ain Shams University, Egypt. Her pursuit continued with a Master's degree focusing on the Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in Cairo's residential areas, emphasizing morphological impacts.

Professional Endeavors

She transitioned into the realm of remote sensing, acquiring a Diploma as a Certified Remote Sensing Specialist and delving into various certifications such as Remote Sensing Specialist, Professional, and Solution Developer.

Contributions and Research Focus

Esraa's research predominantly centers on the intersection of urban development and environmental sustainability. Her published works explore the impact of urban morphology on Urban Heat Islands (UHI) and non-exhaust emissions (NEE) in transit-oriented developments, showcasing her expertise in climate change, spatial analysis, and environmental impact assessment.

Accolades and Recognition

Her achievements include winning the UOS Three-Minute Thesis competition and receiving an Associate Fellow designation from Advance Higher Education in the UK.

Notable Publication

Spatial Morphology and Urban Heat Island: Comparative Case Studies 

Workers’ Satisfaction vis-à-vis Environmental and Socio-Morphological Aspects for Sustainability and Decent Work  1 February 2022

Impact of urban morphology on Urban Heat Island in Manchester's transit-oriented development 6 December 2023

Impact and Influence

Esraa's work as a Project Officer at the University of Salford's CRUISE Project demonstrates her commitment to managing research initiatives, while her roles as a lecturer, ambassador, and vice president of the UOS's CIB Student Chapter highlight her dedication to knowledge exchange, academic facilitation, and community engagement.

Legacy and Future Contributions

With a promising trajectory, Esraa aims to complete her Ph.D., focusing on advancing environmentally smart Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). Her vision seems to be deeply rooted in merging research, practical application, and academic mentorship, poised to leave a lasting impact on the fields of urban planning and environmental sustainability.

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