Yeneayehu Fenetahun Mihertu | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Yeneayehu Fenetahun Mihertu | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Best Researcher Award

University of Chinese Academy of Science | Ethiopia

Author Profile



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Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Yeneayehu Fenetahun Mihertu embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia, where he conducted research on the repellence potential of common tree leaves against houseflies. Subsequently, he pursued a Master of Sciences in Ecology and later obtained a Philosophy of Doctor in Ecology from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, focusing on rangeland management and ecology.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Fenetahun's professional journey spans various research institutes and universities globally. He served as a postdoctoral researcher at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), contributing to projects aimed at dynamic pasture monitoring and prediction in Ethiopia. He also worked as a postdoctoral fellow in China, focusing on desertification and restoration strategies in the Borana rangeland.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Fenetahun's research primarily revolves around rangeland management, biodiversity conservation, and ecosystem restoration. His extensive publication record includes studies on carrying capacity dynamics, impacts of grazing intensity, and assessments of environmental vulnerability in rangeland ecosystems.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his academic and professional career, Dr. Fenetahun has garnered numerous accolades and awards, including grants for research projects, fellowship programs, and certificates of professional competency. He has also presented his research at various international conferences and workshops, receiving recognition for his contributions to the field of ecology and environmental science.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Fenetahun's work has made significant contributions to the understanding and management of rangeland ecosystems, particularly in Ethiopia. His research findings and recommendations have the potential to inform policy decisions and conservation strategies aimed at preserving biodiversity and enhancing livelihoods in vulnerable landscapes.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Driven by a passion for ecological research and a commitment to sustainable development, Dr. Fenetahun's legacy lies in his dedication to addressing pressing environmental challenges. His future contributions are expected to continue shaping the field of ecology, with a focus on promoting biodiversity conservation, mitigating desertification, and fostering resilience in rangeland ecosystems.

Notable Publications

Effects of land-use intensity on vegetation dynamics across elevation in Savanna Grassland, Southern Ethiopia 2024

Remote sensing analysis of desert sensitive areas using MEDALUS model and GIS in the Niger River Basin 2024 (1)




Elysée Noromalala Rasoamanana | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Elysée Noromalala Rasoamanana | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

University of Antananarivo | Madagascar 

Author Profile



Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Elysée Noromalala Rasoamanana pursued a Master's and a PhD in Plant Sciences at the University of Antananarivo, Madagascar. Dr. Rasoamanana's academic journey laid the foundation for expertise in plant biology and ecology.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Rasoamanana has held various roles, including researcher, lecturer, and environmental consultant. Dr. Rasoamanana's experiences span from academia to practical fieldwork, contributing significantly to biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of natural resources.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Rasoamanana's research focuses on understanding the ecology and conservation of Madagascar's unique flora, particularly baobab trees. Dr. Rasoamanana's work delves into the reproductive mechanisms, population dynamics, and ecological interactions of these iconic species.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Rasoamanana has received several prestigious fellowships and grants, recognizing his contributions to ecological research and conservation efforts in Madagascar. These include awards from organizations like the British Ecological Society and the International Primatological Society.

Impact and Influence

Through  research and outreach activities, Dr. Rasoamanana has raised awareness about the importance of biodiversity conservation and sustainable environmental practices in Madagascar. Dr. Rasoamanana's work has influenced policies and practices for the protection of endangered plant species.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Rasoamanana's legacy lies in his commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and fostering environmental stewardship in Madagascar. Dr. Rasoamanana's future contributions are poised to further enrich our understanding of plant ecology and contribute to conservation efforts worldwide.

Notable Publications

Structure of the pistil and pollen tube growth in Adansonia L. species: Implications for fertilization efficiency 2019 (4)

Morphologie pollinique de la flore de la Réserve Spéciale d’Ankarana, Madagascar 2019

Chemical characterization of floral scents in the six endemic baobab species (Adansonia sp.) of Madagascar 2015 (5)

Pollen wall ultrastructure of the genus Adansonia L. species 2014 (8)

Sphingidae as likely pollinators of Madagascar's baobabs | Les Sphingidae, probables pollinisateurs des baobabs malgaches 2011 (12)

Muhammad Salman Hameed | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Outstanding Scientist Award

Dr. Muhammad Salman Hameed | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Outstanding Scientist Award

Central China Normal University | China

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Muhammad Salman Hameed embarked on his academic journey with a keen interest in entomology, evident from his Bachelor's and Master's degrees focusing on various aspects of insect biology and pest management. His academic background provided a solid foundation in areas such as agronomy, genetics, and plant pathology, laying the groundwork for his subsequent research endeavors.

Professional Endeavors

Throughout his career, Dr. Hameed has held diverse roles ranging from entomologist and pest engineer to assistant professor and research associate. These positions, spanning academia and practical fieldwork, have enriched his understanding of pest control strategies, molecular biology techniques, and ecological dynamics.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Hameed's research interests converge at the intersection of insect ecology, molecular biology, and integrated pest management. His work delves into understanding the molecular mechanisms underpinning RNA interference in insects, with implications for crop protection and sustainable agriculture. Through projects awarded both nationally and internationally, he has contributed valuable insights into gene function, ecological interactions, and pest control strategies.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Hameed's contributions to the field have been recognized through various awards and accolades, including publication in prestigious journals and securing research grants. His scholarly achievements underscore his commitment to advancing knowledge in ecology, molecular biology, and agricultural sciences.

Impact and Influence

Driven by a passion for transformative research and teaching, Dr. Hameed aspires to inspire the next generation of scientists while addressing critical challenges in agriculture and environmental sustainability. His multidisciplinary approach and collaborative projects reflect his dedication to fostering innovation and driving positive change.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Dr. Hameed continues his academic journey, he envisions a future characterized by groundbreaking research, interdisciplinary collaboration, and mentorship. His legacy lies not only in his scientific contributions but also in his efforts to instill a sense of curiosity and stewardship among future generations of researchers and practitioners.

Notable Publications

Analysis of Fungal rDNA for the Identification of the Pathogen Associated Black Rot of Pumpkin 2023

Role of Saponins in Plant Defense Against Specialist Herbivores 2019

Characterization and Expression Profiling of Neuropeptides and G-Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) for Neuropeptides in the Asian Citrus Psyllid, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) 2018

Molecular Characterization and the Function of Argonaute3 in RNAi Pathway of Plutella xylostella 2018