Sunil Bista | Environmental Science | Best Student Research Project

Mr. Sunil Bista | Environmental Science | Best Student Research Project

Jackson state university | United States

Author Profile



Early Academic Pursuits

Sunil Bista's academic journey began with a strong foundation in the sciences. He completed his secondary education at Kalika Higher Secondary School in 2009 and pursued higher secondary studies at V.S. Niketan College, Nepal, graduating in 2011. He then earned a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from Pokhara University, Nepal, in 2015. His keen interest in water resource management led him to obtain a Master of Science in Hydropower Engineering from Tribhuvan University, Nepal, in 2021. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Jackson State University, USA, starting in 2023.

Professional Endeavors

Sunil's professional career is marked by diverse roles in engineering and research. He began as a Civil Engineer at the Department of Urban Development and Building Construction, Ministry of Urban Development, Nepal, from April 2016 to July 2021. He then worked as a Hydropower Engineer at Innovative Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd., Lalitpur, Nepal, from September 2021 to February 2022. From April 2022 to August 2023, he served as a researcher at the Centre for Disaster Studies, Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University. Currently, he is a Graduate Research Assistant under Dr. Rocky Talchabhadel at Jackson State University.

Contributions and Research Focus

Sunil has made significant contributions in hydrological and hydrodynamic modeling, climate projection and scenario analysis, and flood inundation mapping. His research has focused on improving water resource management and understanding the impacts of climate change on hydropower potential and irrigation. His notable publications include studies on satellite-based precipitation estimates for irrigation water management and integrated modeling for assessing climate change impacts on water resources in the Himalayas.

Accolades and Recognition

Sunil's excellence in research and academia has been recognized through various awards and grants. These include the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Center for Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology (NCAS-M) Travel Grant, the AGU-Chapman 2024 Travel Grant, and the Asia Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) Travel Grant. Additionally, he has received the Energize Nepal Research Grant for his Master's thesis and a scholarship as a Graduate Research Assistant at Jackson State University.

Impact and Influence

Sunil's work has had a substantial impact on water resource management and climate resilience. His involvement in international research collaborations, such as with Tomorrow's Cities under the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), underscores his influence in addressing global water and climate challenges. His training sessions for government officials and students on hydrological and hydrodynamic modeling demonstrate his commitment to knowledge dissemination and capacity building.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Sunil Bista's legacy is defined by his contributions to hydrology and water resource management, as well as his dedication to education and training. As he continues his PhD studies, his future contributions are expected to further advance the understanding and management of water resources in the context of climate change. His ongoing research and collaboration with international institutions will likely yield innovative solutions for sustainable water management and climate adaptation.


Notable Publications

Hydrologic applicability of satellite-based precipitation estimates for irrigation water management in the data-scarce region 2024

Integrated modeling for assessing climate change impacts on water resources and hydropower potential in the Himalayas 2024 (1)

Effects of source digital elevation models in assessment of gross runoff-river hydropower potential: A case study of West Rapti Basin, Nepal 2021




Hoda Fakour | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Hoda Fakour | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

National Taiwan Normal University | Taiwan

Author Profile



Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Hoda Fakour embarked on her academic journey with a Bachelor's degree in "Natural Resources Engineering-Environment" from Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran. She pursued further studies, earning a Master's degree in "Natural Resources Engineering-Environment" from Tarbiat Modares University, Iran. Her academic pursuits culminated in a Ph.D. degree in "Environmental Engineering" from the Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Fakour has held various academic positions, including Assistant Professor roles at institutions such as National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU). She has contributed significantly as a Postdoctoral Researcher at National Taiwan University (NTU). Her academic journey showcases her commitment to environmental engineering and sustainability management.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Fakour's research focuses on diverse areas such as climate change resilience, aquaculture sustainability, microplastic pollution, and the nexus approach for sustainable development. Her work spans from assessing urban resilience to climate change to evaluating the impact of solar photovoltaic carport canopies on energy efficiency.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Fakour's contributions to academia have been acknowledged through various awards and honors, including the "Best Researcher" award at CJCU and the "Green Technology Award" for the Best Ph.D. Thesis. She has also received prestigious scholarships and teaching funds for her exceptional work in sustainable development and environmental education.

Impact and Influence

Through her research publications, Dr. Fakour has made significant contributions to the scientific community. Her studies on climate change adaptation, aquaculture feasibility, and microplastic pollution have provided valuable insights into environmental sustainability. Additionally, her supervision of postgraduate and undergraduate research projects reflects her dedication to nurturing the next generation of environmental scientists.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Hoda Fakour's legacy lies in her interdisciplinary research and dedication to addressing pressing environmental challenges. Her work not only contributes to academic knowledge but also informs policy-making and practical solutions for a sustainable future. With a focus on energy transition, climate resilience, and environmental monitoring, Dr. Fakour continues to pave the way for innovative research and impactful contributions to society's well-being.

Notable Publications

Evaluation of solar photovoltaic carport canopy with electric vehicle charging potential 2023 (10)

Aquavoltaics Feasibility Assessment: Synergies of Solar PV Power Generation and Aquaculture Production 2023 (2)

Exploring Climate Disaster Resilience: Insight into City and Zone Levels of Southern Taiwan 2021 (2)

Conceptual Framework for Disaster Management in Coastal Cities Using Climate Change Resilience and Coping Ability 2021 (3)

Application of Rough and Fuzzy Set Theory for Prediction of Stochastic Wind Speed Data Using Long Short-Term Memory 2021 (13)






Yeneayehu Fenetahun Mihertu | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Yeneayehu Fenetahun Mihertu | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Best Researcher Award

University of Chinese Academy of Science | Ethiopia

Author Profile



Google Scholar

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Yeneayehu Fenetahun Mihertu embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia, where he conducted research on the repellence potential of common tree leaves against houseflies. Subsequently, he pursued a Master of Sciences in Ecology and later obtained a Philosophy of Doctor in Ecology from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, focusing on rangeland management and ecology.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Fenetahun's professional journey spans various research institutes and universities globally. He served as a postdoctoral researcher at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), contributing to projects aimed at dynamic pasture monitoring and prediction in Ethiopia. He also worked as a postdoctoral fellow in China, focusing on desertification and restoration strategies in the Borana rangeland.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Fenetahun's research primarily revolves around rangeland management, biodiversity conservation, and ecosystem restoration. His extensive publication record includes studies on carrying capacity dynamics, impacts of grazing intensity, and assessments of environmental vulnerability in rangeland ecosystems.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his academic and professional career, Dr. Fenetahun has garnered numerous accolades and awards, including grants for research projects, fellowship programs, and certificates of professional competency. He has also presented his research at various international conferences and workshops, receiving recognition for his contributions to the field of ecology and environmental science.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Fenetahun's work has made significant contributions to the understanding and management of rangeland ecosystems, particularly in Ethiopia. His research findings and recommendations have the potential to inform policy decisions and conservation strategies aimed at preserving biodiversity and enhancing livelihoods in vulnerable landscapes.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Driven by a passion for ecological research and a commitment to sustainable development, Dr. Fenetahun's legacy lies in his dedication to addressing pressing environmental challenges. His future contributions are expected to continue shaping the field of ecology, with a focus on promoting biodiversity conservation, mitigating desertification, and fostering resilience in rangeland ecosystems.

Notable Publications

Effects of land-use intensity on vegetation dynamics across elevation in Savanna Grassland, Southern Ethiopia 2024

Remote sensing analysis of desert sensitive areas using MEDALUS model and GIS in the Niger River Basin 2024 (1)