Assoc Prof Dr. Wenbing Li | Materials Science | Editorial Board Member Jiangnan university | China Author Profile Orcid Early Academic Pursuits ๐ŸŽ“ Dr. Wenbing Li began his academic journey
Mr. Tsadiku Setegne Dessie | Business, Management and Accounting | Editorial Board Member Woldia University | Ethiopia Author Profile Scopus Orcid Early Academic Pursuits ๐ŸŽ“ Mr. Tsadiku Setegne Dessie embarked
Dr. Dawit Dibekulu | Psychology | Editorial Board Member Bahir Dar University | Ethiopia Author Profile Orcid Early Academic Pursuits ๐ŸŽ“ Dr. Dawit Dibekuluโ€™s academic journey began with a Bachelor
Ms. Trhas Kahsay | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Editorial Board Member Botswana International University Of Science and Technology | Botswana Author Profile Scopus Orcid Early Academic Pursuits ๐ŸŽ“ Ms.
Mr. Amanuel Tadase | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Editorial Board Member Oda Bultum University | Ethiopia Author Profile Scopus Orcid Early Academic Pursuits ๐ŸŽ“ Mr. Amanuel Tadase began his
Dr. Sandeep Eswaran | Environmental Science | Editorial Board Member Saveetha Dental College and Hospital | India Author Profile Scopus Orcid Early Academic Pursuits ๐ŸŽ“ Dr. Sandeep Eswaranโ€™s academic journey
Dr. Yanqiu Huang | Health Professions | Best Researcher Award Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine| China Author Profile Orcid Early Academic Pursuits ๐ŸŽ“ Dr. Yanqiu Huang began her academic
Assist Prof Dr. Zulkifl Ahmed | Engineering | Excellence in Research Award Northeastern University, Shenyang | Pakistan Author Profile Orcid Early Academic Pursuits ๐ŸŽ“ Dr. Zulkifl Ahmed embarked on his
Mr. Paris Kantaras | Nursing and Health Professions | Best Researcher Award Harokopio University | Greece Author Profile Orcid Early Academic Pursuits ๐ŸŽ“ Mr. Paris Kantaras began his academic journey
Dr. Kefala Taye Mekonnen | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Best Researcher Award Sunchon National University | South Korea Author Profile Scopus Orcid Google Scholar Early Academic Pursuits ๐ŸŽ“ Dr.