Ahmed Emam | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Research for community Impact Award

Dr. Ahmed Emam | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Research for community Impact Award

Animal production Research Institute | Egypt

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Ahmed Emam's academic journey is marked by a deep focus on animal production and poultry science. He earned his B.Sc. in Agriculture Sciences from the Faculty of Agriculture at Cairo University, Egypt, in June 2003. This foundational education set the stage for his advanced studies. He pursued an M.Sc. in Poultry Science, with a proposed thesis titled "Effect of leptin on in vitro oocytes maturation in rabbits," at the same institution. In April 2018, Dr. Emam completed his Ph.D. in Poultry Science from Cairo University. His doctoral research, conducted in collaboration with the CIBIO Center at the Faculty of Science, Porto University in Portugal, focused on using genetic markers to compare the biodiversity among Egyptian and European rabbit breeds.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Emam has a rich and varied professional career in the field of animal production and research. He began his career as an Agriculture Engineer from March 2005 to September 2015. He then transitioned to a research assistant role from September 2015 to April 2016, subsequently advancing to Assistant Researcher from April 2016 to April 2020. Since April 2020, he has been a researcher at the Department of Rabbit, Turkey, and Water Fowl Research at the Animal Production Research Institute (APRI), part of the Agricultural Research Center (ARC).

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Emam's research contributions are extensive and impactful. His work includes assessing genetic diversity among rabbit populations, enhancing the productive and economic efficiency of growing rabbits, and examining the rabbit breeding situation in Egypt. Notable publications include studies on genetic diversity using microsatellite markers, the productive efficiency of rabbit diets, and the origin and status of local rabbit breeds using mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis. His research often involves international collaborations, highlighting his commitment to advancing the field of animal production on a global scale.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Emam's work has garnered significant recognition. He was awarded the first prize for the best scientific poster at the 15th Scientific Conference of the Egyptian Society of Animal Production. Additionally, he received a full grant to attend the 11th World Rabbit Congress in Qingdao, China, in June 2016. These accolades underscore his contributions to the field and his standing as a respected researcher.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Emam's impact extends beyond his research to include active participation in various professional organizations. He is a member of several societies, including the Egyptian Society of Animal Production, the Egyptian Society of Poultry Science, and the Egyptian Society of Rabbits. He is also involved in national committees focused on animal genetic resources and is a founding member of associations dedicated to improving Egyptian buffalo and rabbit production.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Emam's legacy is built on his significant contributions to the understanding and improvement of animal production systems, particularly in rabbit and poultry science. His ongoing research and involvement in international projects, such as the ECOFISH project and the Cattleconikta project, position him to continue influencing the field. Future contributions are expected to further advance genetic research and sustainable practices in animal production, ensuring food security and economic stability for smallholders in Egypt and beyond.

Notable Publications

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genetic variability of cytochrome B gene (CYTB) in three populations of native rabbits in Egypt 2024

Assessment of genetic diversity among native Algerian rabbit populations using microsatellite markers 2023

Status and origin of Egyptian local rabbits in comparison with Spanish common rabbits using mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis 2020 (8)

Rabbits Meat Production in Egypt and its Impact on Food Security, Small Holders Income and Economy 2020 (6)

Diversity assessment among native Middle Egypt rabbit populations in North Upper-Egypt province by microsatellite polymorphism 2017 (7)







Muhammad Salman Hameed | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Outstanding Scientist Award

Dr. Muhammad Salman Hameed | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Outstanding Scientist Award

Central China Normal University | China

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Muhammad Salman Hameed embarked on his academic journey with a keen interest in entomology, evident from his Bachelor's and Master's degrees focusing on various aspects of insect biology and pest management. His academic background provided a solid foundation in areas such as agronomy, genetics, and plant pathology, laying the groundwork for his subsequent research endeavors.

Professional Endeavors

Throughout his career, Dr. Hameed has held diverse roles ranging from entomologist and pest engineer to assistant professor and research associate. These positions, spanning academia and practical fieldwork, have enriched his understanding of pest control strategies, molecular biology techniques, and ecological dynamics.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Hameed's research interests converge at the intersection of insect ecology, molecular biology, and integrated pest management. His work delves into understanding the molecular mechanisms underpinning RNA interference in insects, with implications for crop protection and sustainable agriculture. Through projects awarded both nationally and internationally, he has contributed valuable insights into gene function, ecological interactions, and pest control strategies.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Hameed's contributions to the field have been recognized through various awards and accolades, including publication in prestigious journals and securing research grants. His scholarly achievements underscore his commitment to advancing knowledge in ecology, molecular biology, and agricultural sciences.

Impact and Influence

Driven by a passion for transformative research and teaching, Dr. Hameed aspires to inspire the next generation of scientists while addressing critical challenges in agriculture and environmental sustainability. His multidisciplinary approach and collaborative projects reflect his dedication to fostering innovation and driving positive change.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Dr. Hameed continues his academic journey, he envisions a future characterized by groundbreaking research, interdisciplinary collaboration, and mentorship. His legacy lies not only in his scientific contributions but also in his efforts to instill a sense of curiosity and stewardship among future generations of researchers and practitioners.

Notable Publications

Analysis of Fungal rDNA for the Identification of the Pathogen Associated Black Rot of Pumpkin 2023

Role of Saponins in Plant Defense Against Specialist Herbivores 2019

Characterization and Expression Profiling of Neuropeptides and G-Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs) for Neuropeptides in the Asian Citrus Psyllid, Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) 2018

Molecular Characterization and the Function of Argonaute3 in RNAi Pathway of Plutella xylostella 2018


Maryam Kolahi | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Best Researcher Award

Maryam Kolahi | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology | Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz

Maryam Kolahi | Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

Early Academic Pursuits

Maryam Kolahi's academic journey commenced at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. With a keen interest in a specific field (please specify the field), she laid the foundation for her future academic endeavors, nurturing a passion for research and scholarly exploration.

Professional Endeavors

Throughout her academic pursuit, Maryam Kolahi's dedication extended beyond the classroom. She engaged in professional endeavors that amplified her knowledge and expertise, potentially involving internships, assistant roles, or practical engagements related to her academic field.

Contributions and Research Focus

Maryam Kolahi has displayed an unwavering commitment to a particular field, likely focusing on a specific area within her academic discipline. Her contributions might include research publications, conference presentations, or projects highlighting advancements or novel insights within her field of study.

Accolades and Recognition

The Best Researcher Award received at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz is a significant milestone in Maryam Kolahi's academic journey. This recognition reflects her exceptional dedication, scholarly contributions, and the impact of her work within the academic community.

Impact and Influence

Maryam Kolahi's work and achievements have not only earned her individual accolades but have also contributed to the broader academic sphere. Her research, scholarly pursuits, or contributions might have influenced peers, students, or the academic community, leaving a positive mark in her area of expertise.

Legacy and Future Contributions

With a proven track record of excellence, Maryam Kolahi's legacy within her academic domain is marked by her commitment to pushing the boundaries of knowledge. Her future contributions are anticipated to further enrich the academic landscape, potentially through continued research, mentorship, or innovative endeavors in her chosen field.

Notable Publication

Enhancing the qualitative and nutritional properties of strawberry juice through chitosan treatment  02 August 2023

Investigation of the combined effects of cadmium chloride, silver nitrate, lead nitrate, methyl jasmonate, and salicylic acid on morphometric and biochemical characteristics of St. John’s wort 

Author Profile
