Jian Ping Tan | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Jian Ping Tan | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Xiamen University Malaysia | Malaysia

Author Profile



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Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Jian Ping Tan embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) from the National University of Malaysia (UKM) in 2013. Subsequently, he pursued a Ph.D. in Chemical and Process Engineering, completing his doctoral studies at UKM in 2017.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Tan holds various esteemed positions and affiliations, including Committee Member for Malaysian academic research on palm oil sustainability (ARPOS) since 2022, Graduate Engineer of Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), and Associate Member of Institution of Chemical Engineers (ICHEME). He also serves as the Industrial Training Coordinator for Chemical Engineering at Xiamen University Malaysia since 2020.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Tan's research interests span a wide array of fields, including biochemical engineering, bioeconomy, fermentation, biorefinery, biofertilizer, and biotechnology. As a Principal Investigator, he has spearheaded numerous active research projects funded by reputable organizations like the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI) and the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MoHE). His contributions extend to guest editing prestigious publications and securing patents for innovative methodologies in sustainable biomass utilization.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Tan's pioneering research has garnered significant recognition, including patents for methods to produce crystallized organic acids from renewable biomass sources. His contributions are further underscored by his role as a co-author of impactful book chapters focusing on sustainable technologies for the oil palm industry and the production of succinic acid from biomass.

Impact and Influence

Through his multifaceted roles and research endeavors, Dr. Tan has made a profound impact on the fields of biochemical engineering and sustainability. His efforts in securing substantial research grants and publishing influential works underscore his commitment to advancing knowledge and addressing pressing environmental challenges.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Jian Ping Tan's legacy is marked by his dedication to pioneering research, sustainable innovation, and academic leadership. His ongoing contributions promise to further enhance our understanding of biochemical processes and drive advancements in sustainable biotechnology, leaving a lasting imprint on the field and inspiring future generations of researchers.

Notable Publications

Fermentable sugar recovery from durian peel by using ultrasound-assisted chemical pretreatment 2024

Nickel-iron doped on granular activated carbon for efficient immobilization in biohydrogen production 2024 (1)

Bio-based succinic acid production from durian husk: A rising Southeast Asia agricultural waste 2023

Biotechnological enhancement of lactic acid conversion from pretreated palm kernel cake hydrolysate by Actinobacillus succinogenes 130Z 2023 (1)

Kinetic study and model of fermentation parameters affected growth and xylitol production in bioreactor by Kluyveromyces marxianus ATCC 36,907 2022 (3)

Lei Wang | Energy | Innovation in Publishing Award

Dr. Lei Wang | Energy | Innovation in Publishing Award

Tsinghua University | China

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Lei Wang embarked on his academic journey, earning a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Yangtze University in 2015. He furthered his studies, completing a Master's degree at Hubei University of Technology in 2019 and earning his Ph.D. from Wuhan University in Electrical Engineering in 2023.

Professional Endeavors

Lei Wang delved into the realm of academia, contributing significantly to various research projects. His roles included postdoctoral research at Tsinghua University, focusing on machine learning applications in battery prognostics and health management. He demonstrated his expertise in anomaly detection, safety assessment, and predictive modeling for battery systems.

Contributions and Research Focus

Lei Wang made substantial contributions to the "Power IoTs" project, focusing on deep reinforcement learning for adaptive uncertainty economic dispatch in power systems. His innovative models addressed the complexities of economic dispatch, showcasing adaptability to uncertain conditions, particularly in renewable energy integration scenarios.

Accolades and Recognition

Lei Wang received recognition for his pivotal role in developing a deep reinforcement learning-based approach, enhancing economic dispatch in power systems. His work contributed to grid reliability and efficiency, demonstrating practical applicability in real-world scenarios, particularly in Tianjin's Binhai New Area.

Impact and Influence

Lei Wang's research has left a lasting impact on the field, advancing the understanding of power system optimization. His work not only contributes to academic knowledge but also has practical implications for improving the efficiency and reliability of power delivery and consumption.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Lei Wang's legacy includes pioneering work in machine learning applications for battery systems and economic dispatch in power systems. Looking ahead, his expertise in artificial intelligence, spatiotemporal correlation modeling, and power equipment diagnosis positions him as a key contributor to the evolving landscape of energy research. As an emerging leader in the field, Lei Wang is poised to continue making groundbreaking contributions to the energy sector.

Notable Publications

An Unsupervised Approach to Wind Turbine Blade Icing Detection Based on Beta Variational Graph Attention Autoencoder 2023

Wind turbine blade icing risk assessment considering power output predictions based on SCSO-IFCM clustering algorithm 2024

A novel approach to ultra-short-term multi-step wind power predictions based on encoder–decoder architecture in natural language processing 2022 (18)

M2STAN: Multi-modal multi-task spatiotemporal attention network for multi-location ultra-short-term wind power multi-step predictions 2022 (22)

M2TNet: Multi-modal multi-task Transformer network for ultra-short-term wind power multi-step forecasting 2022 (19)




Hassan Esmaeilzadeh | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Hassan Esmaeilzadeh | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Shahid Beheshti University | Iran

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Hassan Esmaeilzadeh's academic journey has been marked by a commitment to Geography and Urban Planning. He earned his Bachelor's degree from Tabriz University, his Master's from Tarbiat Modarres University, and his Doctorate degree from Shahid Beheshti University. His primary fields of expertise include sustainable ecotourism, environmental studies, and spatial planning.

Professional Endeavors

Since 2012, Dr. Esmaeilzadeh has been serving as an Assistant Professor at the Geography and Urban Planning Department of Shahid Beheshti University. Prior to this, he held academic positions at Payame Noor University and Azad Islamic University. His professional journey also includes roles as a researcher at various institutions and consultancy companies, contributing to urban and rural development, environmental planning, and sustainable global city initiatives.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Esmaeilzadeh's expertise lies in sustainable ecotourism, environmental studies, and spatial planning. His extensive research portfolio covers diverse areas, including the spatial impacts of lifestyle changes, adaptation to climate change, and the sustainability of ecotourism in protected areas. His contributions extend to grants from various institutions and refereeing for reputable journals in environmental sciences and tourism management.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his academic career, Dr. Esmaeilzadeh has been recognized for his academic excellence. He secured the first rank in the national master's entrance exam in 2001, was the top student of the M.A course at Tarbiat Modarres University in 2003, and received the Distinguished Ph.D. Student of the Year of Iran award in 2009.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Esmaeilzadeh's impact extends beyond academia, as evident from his executive responsibilities, consultancy roles, and managerial positions in various organizations. His expertise in ecotourism, environmental planning, and urban management positions him as a key influencer in shaping sustainable urban development and environmental policies.

Legacy and Future Contributions

With an impressive record of courses taught, advisory roles, and supervisory positions for M.A. and Ph.D. candidates, Dr. Esmaeilzadeh is contributing to the development of future scholars and practitioners in the field. His continued research, grant projects, and editorial positions showcase a dedication to leaving a lasting legacy in the realms of environmental planning and sustainable urban development.

Notable Publications

Waterless wetlands, as a new source of wind erosion: Developing remediation strategies for the Hamoon Wetland in Iran 2023 (1)

Evaluating the ecological security of ecotourism in protected area based on the DPSIR model 2023 (1)

Land potential for ecotourism development and assessing landscape ecology in areas on protection of Iran 2023 (4)

Assessing Changes in Land Use/Land Cover and Ecological Risk to Conserve Protected Areas in Urban–Rural Contexts 2023 (4)

Prioritizing Water Resources for Conservation in a Land of Water Crisis: The Case of Protected Areas of Iran 2022 (2)