Binega Derebe | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Editorial Board Member

Mr. Binega Derebe | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Editorial Board Member

Injibara University | Ethiopia

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Binega Derebe Asmare, an Ethiopian national born on September 26, 1992, embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor's degree in Natural Resource Management from the University of Gondar. His commitment to environmental sciences led him to pursue a Master's degree in Wildlife Conservation and Ecotourism Management at Bahir Dar University.

Professional Endeavors

Since July 2018, Binega has been actively engaged as a Lecturer and Researcher at Injibara University, Ethiopia. In this role, he imparts knowledge through lectures, conducts impactful research, and serves as an academic and senior research advisor for undergraduate students.

Contributions and Research Focus

Binega's research contributions span diverse areas, with a particular emphasis on wildlife conservation, biodiversity, and ecotourism. His publications showcase a keen interest in avifauna, medium and large mammals, and the intricate relationships between human activities and wildlife.

Accolades and Recognition

His notable publications, including articles in journals like Heliyon, Anthropocene Science, PLoS ONE, and the International Journal of Zoology, demonstrate Binega's scholarly impact. His work on species diversity, mammal populations, and human-wildlife conflict has garnered attention and recognition.

Impact and Influence

Binega's research outputs contribute significantly to the scientific understanding of Ethiopia's ecosystems. By exploring the diversity, abundance, and habitat associations of various species, he enriches the knowledge base in wildlife management and conservation.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Binega Derebe Asmare's legacy lies in his dedication to advancing environmental sciences and wildlife conservation in Ethiopia. His ongoing role as a Lecturer and Researcher positions him to continue inspiring the next generation of environmental stewards. As he expands his research horizons, his future contributions are poised to further shape sustainable practices in biodiversity conservation and ecotourism.

Notable Publications

Species diversity, relative abundance, and distribution of avifauna in different habitats within Lewi Mountain, Awi zone, Ethiopia 2023 (1)

Composition, Relative Abundance, and Diversity of Medium and Large Mammals in Tirba Lake Awi Zone, Ethiopia 2023

Population status of the Hamadryas baboon in and around Simien Mountains National Park (SMNP), Ethiopia 2023


Mahdy Hamed | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Mahdy Hamed | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Agriculture Faculty, New Valley University | Egypt

Author Profile

Google Scholar

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Mahdy Hassan Hamed Rashed, born on 18/10/1977 in Sohag Governorate, Egypt, embarked on his academic journey at Al-Azhar University, earning a Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Sciences (Soil and Water) with an excellent grade and honors. He continued his educational pursuit with a Master's degree in Agricultural Sciences (Soil and Water) from Assiut University, focusing on the transformations of phosphorus forms in calcareous soils induced by organic materials. Driven by a passion for soil and water sciences, he achieved a Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences (Soil and Water) from Assiut University, titled "Effect of Organic Amendments on Potassium Dynamics in Clay and Calcareous Sandy Soils."

Professional Endeavors

Currently holding the position of Associate Professor at New Valley University, Egypt, Dr. Rashed specializes in soil chemistry, soil fertility, plant nutrients, organic agriculture, organic waste management, hydroponics, and aquaponics. His extensive experience includes expertise in soil fertility, plant nutrition, and the production of organic fertilizers. Proficient in soil and water analysis devices, he excels in preparing nutrient solutions for hydroponics.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Rashed's research has significantly contributed to understanding potassium dynamics in different soil types under the influence of organic amendments. His work encompasses the transformations of phosphorus forms in calcareous soils induced by organic materials. His expertise extends to organic agriculture, emphasizing sustainable practices and waste management. Additionally, he explores innovative cultivation methods such as hydroponics and aquaponics.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Rashed's academic journey has been marked by excellence, earning honors during his bachelor's studies. His contributions to the field have been acknowledged with the award of a Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Sciences. His dedication and achievements have been recognized through various research productivity awards.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Rashed's impact extends beyond academia, as he actively engages in practical applications of his research findings. His work in soil fertility and organic agriculture has the potential to influence sustainable farming practices, promoting environmental consciousness.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Mahdy Hassan Hamed Rashed leaves a legacy of insightful research in soil and water sciences. His commitment to sustainable agriculture and organic practices positions him as a key figure in shaping the future of eco-friendly farming. His ongoing contributions are anticipated to further advance knowledge in soil fertility, plant nutrition, and innovative cultivation methods.

Notable Publications

Zinc and amino acids improve the growth, physiological, and biochemical attributes of corn under different irrigation levels 2024

Perspective Chapter: The Toxic Silver (Hg) 2023

Foliar application of iron-lysine to boost growth attributes, photosynthetic pigments and biochemical defense system in canola (Brassica napus L.) under cadmium stress 2023

Modelling and Digital Mapping of the Infiltration Characteristics of Major Agricultural Soils 2022

Eco-friendly production of biochar via conventional pyrolysis: Application of biochar and liquefied smoke for plant productivity and seed germination 2021 (20)





Cicelin Rakotomahazo | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Cicelin Rakotomahazo | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines | Madagascar

Author ProfileĀ 


Early Academic Pursuits

Cicelin Rakotomahazo, born on February 25, 1987, in Antsenavolo/Mananjary, Madagascar, is a dedicated marine conservation enthusiast. He holds a BSc in Fisheries and Aquaculture (2010), an MSc in Applied Oceanology (2013), and recently earned his PhD in Marine Science and Fisheries (2022) from the Institut Halieutiques et des Sciences Marines, University of Toliara, Madagascar.

Professional Endeavors

Rakotomahazo's professional journey has been deeply intertwined with marine conservation. Since 2012, he has been associated with Blue Ventures Conservation Madagascar. His roles evolved from a Seaweed Farming Technician to a pivotal position as the Mangrove and Blue Carbon Coordinator, demonstrating adaptability and commitment.

Contributions and Research Focus

Cicelin's contributions extend beyond his employment. He has authored impactful publications, exploring topics like payment for ecosystem services (PES) schemes for mangroves and community perceptions of PES projects. His work reflects a focus on participatory planning, socio-economic science, and the communication of mangrove carbon projects.

Accolades and Recognition

Rakotomahazo's dedication has earned him notable recognition. In 2017, he received the Australian Award Fellow on the Blue Economy, and in 2018-2019, he was granted by the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Symposium (WIOMSA) through the Marine Research Grant I (MARG I).

Impact and Influence

Cicelin's impact is evident in his role as Mangrove and Blue Carbon Coordinator, overseeing community-led mangrove carbon projects. His engagement in training workshops, conferences, and the Blue Economy Fellowship showcases his influence in the marine science and conservation domain.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Rakotomahazo's legacy lies in the sustainable management of marine ecosystems, especially mangroves. His multidimensional expertise in marine biology, fisheries, blue economy, and community-based conservation positions him as a driving force in the field. With an impressive track record, he is poised to contribute significantly to future marine policies, governance, and conservation efforts.

Notable Publications

Exploring the policy and institutional context of a Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) scheme for mangroves in southwestern Madagascar 2023 (4)

Community Perceptions of a Payment for Ecosystem Services Project in Southwest Madagascar: A Preliminary Study 2021 (5)

Participatory planning of a community-based payments for ecosystem services initiative in Madagascar's mangroves 2019 (26)

Mangrove Carbon Stocks and Ecosystem Cover Dynamics in Southwest Madagascar and the Implications for Local Management 2017 (52)

Influence of environmental factors and farming technique on growth and health of farmed Kappaphycus alvarezii (cottonii) in south-west Madagascar 2014 (47)