Zhen Wang | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Zhen Wang | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Shandong University of Finance and Economics | China

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits 📚

Dr. Zhen Wang's academic journey began with a strong foundation in logistics engineering, earning her Master's degree from the Ocean University of China in 2018. Her pursuit of knowledge led her to Tongji University, where she completed a Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering in 2023. Her academic ambitions extended internationally, resulting in a joint Ph.D. in Energy Economics from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore between 2021 and 2022.

Professional Endeavors 🏛️

In August 2023, Dr. Wang commenced her academic career as an Assistant Professor at the International School of Low Carbon Studies, Shandong University of Finance and Economics. Her role involves not only teaching but also conducting cutting-edge research in the realm of low carbon studies, positioning her as a key figure in this emerging field.

Contributions and Research Focus 🔍

Dr. Wang has made significant contributions to the fields of management science, energy economics, and environmental policy. Her research addresses critical issues such as government subsidies for remanufactured products, e-waste recycling, carbon trading mechanisms, and smart recycling infrastructure. Notably, her work on the impact of government intervention on recycling and waste management has been published in prestigious journals, reflecting her commitment to addressing global environmental challenges.

Accolades and Recognition 🏅

Throughout her academic career, Dr. Wang has received numerous accolades for her research. Her publications in high-impact journals such as Journal of Management Science and Engineering, Journal of Environmental Management, and Applied Energy have garnered significant attention, highlighting her as a leading researcher in her field.

Impact and Influence 🌍

Dr. Wang's research has had a profound impact on both academic and policy-making circles. Her insights into the economics of recycling, government incentives, and carbon trading have influenced environmental policies and corporate strategies, particularly in China. Her work is instrumental in shaping a sustainable future, with a focus on reducing carbon emissions and promoting circular economy practices.

Legacy and Future Contributions 🌟

As Dr. Wang continues her academic career, her contributions to environmental economics and management science are expected to grow. Her ongoing research and teaching will undoubtedly inspire the next generation of scholars and policymakers, cementing her legacy as a pioneer in the field of low carbon studies. The future holds promise for further groundbreaking work from Dr. Wang, as she continues to address some of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time.



  • 📝 Is It Necessarily Better for More Commuters to Share a Vehicle?
    • Authors: Zhen Wang , Haiyun Chen , Ting Zhu , Jiazhen Huo
    • Journal: Sustainability
    • Year: 2024

  • 📝 Manufacturer’s introducing remanufactured products strategy considering the government subsidy: Introduce or not? 
    • Authors: Wang Zhen , Huo Jiazhen , Duan Yongrui
    • Journal: Journal of Management Science and Engineering
    • Year: 2023

  • 📝 Do government intervention measures promote e-waste recycling in China? 
    • Authors: Wang Zhen , Huo Jiazhen
    • Journal: Journal of Environmental Management
    • Year: 2023

  • 📝 The bidding strategy under a carbon trading mechanism and government subsidies in renewable energy auctions 
    • Authors: Wang Zhen , Jasmine Siu Lee Lam , Huo Jiazhen
    • Journal: Applied Energy
    • Year: 2023

  • 📝 The impact of government intervention measures on recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment in China considering consumer decision 
    • Authors: Wang Zhen , Duan Yongrui , Huo Jiazhen
    • Journal: Energy Policy
    • Year: 2022



Anna Borkowska | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Mrs. Anna Borkowska | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

University of Life Sciences in Lublin | Poland

Author Profile



Early Academic Pursuits 🎓

Mrs. Anna Borkowska embarked on her academic journey with a strong foundation in horticulture. She pursued an Engineer of Horticulture degree from the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, graduating in 2010. Building on this, she continued her studies at the same university, obtaining a Master of Science in Horticulture in 2011. Her passion for the subject led her to join the Doctoral School at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin in 2023, where she is currently a participant, further advancing her knowledge and expertise in the field.

Professional Endeavors 💼

Mrs. Borkowska’s professional career is marked by significant roles in both the public and private sectors. From 2012 to 2013, she served as an administrative technician at the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture in Sandomierz. Her responsibilities included processing area payment applications, ensuring compliance with cross-compliance requirements, and providing training on finance and insurance for farmers. She continued her administrative career as an employee at the County Office in Sandomierz from 2013 to 2014, where she managed documents related to driving licenses and maintained the IT services of the vehicle driver register. Since 2011, Mrs. Borkowska has also been a dedicated copywriter, offering proofreading, writing, and research services to individual clients. Her expertise in this area has contributed to the co-authorship of several publications in renowned scientific journals.

Contributions and Research Focus 📚

Mrs. Borkowska has made valuable contributions to the field of horticulture and beyond through her research and publications. She has co-authored papers in journals such as Energies, Journal of Water and Land Development, Annales Horticulturae, and Agricultural News. Her research interests are diverse, spanning topics related to horticulture, environmental science, and agricultural practices.

Accolades and Recognition 🏆

Throughout her career, Mrs. Borkowska has been recognized for her exceptional organizational skills, effective team management, and excellent communication abilities. Her academic and professional achievements reflect her dedication and commitment to her fields of study and work.

Impact and Influence 🌍

Mrs. Borkowska’s influence extends beyond her immediate professional environment. As the Chairperson of the Housing Community Board for ‘Krukowska 20’ in Sandomierz since 2017, she has demonstrated strong leadership in managing community affairs, representing the community externally, and ensuring the proper maintenance and development of joint property. Her voluntary work and engagement in community activities further highlight her commitment to making a positive impact.

Legacy and Future Contributions ✨

As Mrs. Borkowska continues her doctoral studies, her future contributions to horticulture and related fields are highly anticipated. Her ongoing research, coupled with her experience and skills, positions her as a future leader and innovator. Her legacy will likely include significant advancements in horticultural practices and sustainable agricultural development, influencing both academic and practical approaches in these areas.



📄Analysis of the Energy Potential of Hazelnut Husk Depending on the Variety
Authors : Anna Borkowska, Kamila Klimek, Grzegorz Maj, and Magdalena Kapłan
Journal : Energies
Year : 2024

📄Effect of Growth Regulators on the Quality of Apple Tree Whorls
Authors : M. Kapłan, K. Klimek, A. Borkowska, K. Buczyński
Journal : Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Year : 2023

📄Evaluation of the Effect of Biostimulation on the Yielding of Golden Delicious Apple Trees
Authors : M. Kapłan, K. Klimek, K. Buczyński, T. Krupa, A. Borkowska
Journal : Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Year : 2023


Julien Djossou | Environmental Science | Best Paper Award

Dr.  Julien Djossou | Environmental Science | Best Paper Award

Université d'Abomey-Calavi | Benin

Author profile


🌟 Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Julien Djossou's academic journey in physical sciences began with a strong foundation. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in Physical Sciences in 2009, followed by a Master’s degree in the same field in 2010. His academic pursuits were characterized by a deep interest in atmospheric physics, as seen in his University Diploma in Scientific Studies (DUES 1 and 2) in Physics Chemistry from the University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin. Dr. Djossou's DEA (Diplôme d'Études Approfondies) in Applied Physics, with a specialty in Atmospheric Physics and Materials Sciences, marked the beginning of his focused research into the dynamics of the intertropical front and particulate pollution in Benin.

💼 Professional Endeavors

Dr. Djossou has built a distinguished career in academia and research. He has been involved in teaching various subjects such as Thermodynamics, Electromagnetism, and Fluid Mechanics at prominent institutions like the University of Abomey-Calavi, the National University of Science Technology Mathematical Engineering (UNSTIM), and the Higher School of Renewable Energy Professions. His professional experience spans over a decade, where he has contributed significantly to the education and development of students in Benin. Additionally, Dr. Djossou has actively participated in international conferences, workshops, and training sessions, reflecting his commitment to continuous learning and professional growth.

🔬 Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Djossou's research primarily revolves around atmospheric pollution analysis and atmospheric physics. He has focused on key areas such as aerosols, emissions, precipitation, and particle pollution. His work on carbonaceous aerosols like Black Carbon (BC) and Organic Carbon (OC) has contributed to understanding air quality issues in urban areas, particularly in West Africa. Dr. Djossou's research also includes studying optical thicknesses, the Angstrom Coefficient, and gaseous pollutants like ozone, ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, and nitric acid. His PhD thesis, titled "Analysis of atmospheric pollution in urban areas in Ivory Coast," further highlights his expertise and dedication to this critical field.

🏆 Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his career, Dr. Djossou has received recognition for his contributions to environmental science and atmospheric physics. He has presented his research at numerous international conferences, including the 4th Congress of the West African Physical Society (SOAPHYS) and the DACCIWA Conference in France. His research has been published in reputable journals, including Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics and Environmental Science. Dr. Djossou's work has garnered attention for its impact on understanding air pollution in West African urban areas.

🌍 Impact and Influence

Dr. Djossou's research has had a significant impact on the scientific community, particularly in the study of atmospheric pollution in West Africa. His findings on PM2.5 surface concentrations and the mass concentration of particulate matter have provided valuable insights into air quality issues in cities like Cotonou, Benin, and Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. His collaboration with international researchers has further amplified the reach and influence of his work.

🏅 Legacy and Future Contributions

As a dedicated researcher and educator, Dr. Julien Djossou continues to contribute to the field of atmospheric physics. His legacy is marked by his commitment to improving our understanding of air pollution and its effects on public health and the environment. Dr. Djossou's future contributions will likely build on his existing work, focusing on mitigating the impact of particulate pollution in urban areas and advancing the study of atmospheric physics in Africa. His ongoing research and collaborations promise to leave a lasting impact on both academia and society.


Publications 📚

📄 Mass Concentration, Optical Depth, and Carbon Composition of Particulate Matter in the Major Southern West African Cities of Cotonou (Benin) and Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire)

  • Authors: Djossou, J. , Léon, J.-F. , Barthélemy Akpo, A. , Ossohou, M. , Awanou, C.N.
  • Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
  • Year: 2018

📄 A Pilot Study of Gaseous Pollutants' Measurement (NO2, SO2, NH3, HNO3 and O3) in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: Contribution to an Overview of Gaseous Pollution in African Cities

    • Authors: Bahino, J. , Yoboué, V. , Galy-Lacaux, C. , Gnamien, S. , Djossou, J.
    • Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
    • Year: 2018

📄 PM2.5 Surface Concentrations in Southern West African Urban Areas Based on Sun Photometer and Satellite Observations

  • Authors: Léon, J.-F. , Barthélémy Akpo, A. , Bedou, M. , Yoboué, V. , Liousse, C.
  • Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
  • Year: 2021

📄 Vertical Profile of Wind Diurnal Cycle in the Surface Boundary Layer Over the Coast of Cotonou, Benin, Under a Convective Atmosphere

  • Authors: Donnou, H.E.V. , Akpo, A.B. , Kouchadé, C.A. , Nonfodji, G.F. , Djossou, J.
  • Journal: Advances in Meteorology
  • Year: 2019

📄 Particle and VOC Emission Factor Measurements for Anthropogenic Sources in West Africa

  • Authors: Keita, S. , Liousse, C. , Yoboué, V. , Touré N'Datchoh, E. , Roblou, L.
  • Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
  • Year: 2018


Elysée Noromalala Rasoamanana | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Elysée Noromalala Rasoamanana | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

University of Antananarivo | Madagascar 

Author Profile



Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Elysée Noromalala Rasoamanana pursued a Master's and a PhD in Plant Sciences at the University of Antananarivo, Madagascar. Dr. Rasoamanana's academic journey laid the foundation for expertise in plant biology and ecology.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Rasoamanana has held various roles, including researcher, lecturer, and environmental consultant. Dr. Rasoamanana's experiences span from academia to practical fieldwork, contributing significantly to biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of natural resources.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Rasoamanana's research focuses on understanding the ecology and conservation of Madagascar's unique flora, particularly baobab trees. Dr. Rasoamanana's work delves into the reproductive mechanisms, population dynamics, and ecological interactions of these iconic species.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Rasoamanana has received several prestigious fellowships and grants, recognizing his contributions to ecological research and conservation efforts in Madagascar. These include awards from organizations like the British Ecological Society and the International Primatological Society.

Impact and Influence

Through  research and outreach activities, Dr. Rasoamanana has raised awareness about the importance of biodiversity conservation and sustainable environmental practices in Madagascar. Dr. Rasoamanana's work has influenced policies and practices for the protection of endangered plant species.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Rasoamanana's legacy lies in his commitment to advancing scientific knowledge and fostering environmental stewardship in Madagascar. Dr. Rasoamanana's future contributions are poised to further enrich our understanding of plant ecology and contribute to conservation efforts worldwide.

Notable Publications

Structure of the pistil and pollen tube growth in Adansonia L. species: Implications for fertilization efficiency 2019 (4)

Morphologie pollinique de la flore de la Réserve Spéciale d’Ankarana, Madagascar 2019

Chemical characterization of floral scents in the six endemic baobab species (Adansonia sp.) of Madagascar 2015 (5)

Pollen wall ultrastructure of the genus Adansonia L. species 2014 (8)

Sphingidae as likely pollinators of Madagascar's baobabs | Les Sphingidae, probables pollinisateurs des baobabs malgaches 2011 (12)

Jian Ping Tan | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Jian Ping Tan | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Xiamen University Malaysia | Malaysia

Author Profile



Google Scholar

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Jian Ping Tan embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) from the National University of Malaysia (UKM) in 2013. Subsequently, he pursued a Ph.D. in Chemical and Process Engineering, completing his doctoral studies at UKM in 2017.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Tan holds various esteemed positions and affiliations, including Committee Member for Malaysian academic research on palm oil sustainability (ARPOS) since 2022, Graduate Engineer of Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM), and Associate Member of Institution of Chemical Engineers (ICHEME). He also serves as the Industrial Training Coordinator for Chemical Engineering at Xiamen University Malaysia since 2020.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Tan's research interests span a wide array of fields, including biochemical engineering, bioeconomy, fermentation, biorefinery, biofertilizer, and biotechnology. As a Principal Investigator, he has spearheaded numerous active research projects funded by reputable organizations like the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI) and the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MoHE). His contributions extend to guest editing prestigious publications and securing patents for innovative methodologies in sustainable biomass utilization.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Tan's pioneering research has garnered significant recognition, including patents for methods to produce crystallized organic acids from renewable biomass sources. His contributions are further underscored by his role as a co-author of impactful book chapters focusing on sustainable technologies for the oil palm industry and the production of succinic acid from biomass.

Impact and Influence

Through his multifaceted roles and research endeavors, Dr. Tan has made a profound impact on the fields of biochemical engineering and sustainability. His efforts in securing substantial research grants and publishing influential works underscore his commitment to advancing knowledge and addressing pressing environmental challenges.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Jian Ping Tan's legacy is marked by his dedication to pioneering research, sustainable innovation, and academic leadership. His ongoing contributions promise to further enhance our understanding of biochemical processes and drive advancements in sustainable biotechnology, leaving a lasting imprint on the field and inspiring future generations of researchers.

Notable Publications

Fermentable sugar recovery from durian peel by using ultrasound-assisted chemical pretreatment 2024

Nickel-iron doped on granular activated carbon for efficient immobilization in biohydrogen production 2024 (1)

Bio-based succinic acid production from durian husk: A rising Southeast Asia agricultural waste 2023

Biotechnological enhancement of lactic acid conversion from pretreated palm kernel cake hydrolysate by Actinobacillus succinogenes 130Z 2023 (1)

Kinetic study and model of fermentation parameters affected growth and xylitol production in bioreactor by Kluyveromyces marxianus ATCC 36,907 2022 (3)

Anika Kozlowski | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Anika Kozlowski | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Toronto Metropolitan University | Canada

Author Profile



Google Scholar

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Anika Kozlowski embarked on her academic journey with a Bachelor of Science (BSc. Honours) in Microbiology/Psychology from the University of Manitoba in 2003. She continued her pursuit of knowledge with a Bachelor of Design (BDes.) in Fashion Design from Ryerson University in 2008. Building upon her foundation, she earned a Master of Applied Science (MASc.) in Environmental Applied Science and Management from Ryerson University in 2012, focusing on corporate social responsibility in the apparel industry. Dr. Kozlowski further delved into academia, obtaining her Ph.D. in Environmental Applied Sciences and Management from Ryerson University in 2019, with a dissertation on "The Responsible Fashion System: A Reconceptualization of the Role of Fashion Design."

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Kozlowski's professional journey has been marked by a commitment to sustainability, ethics, and innovation in the realm of fashion. She assumed the role of Assistant Professor of Fashion Design, Ethics & Sustainability at the School of Fashion, Toronto Metropolitan University in 2018, where she continues to inspire and educate students. Throughout her career, she has contributed extensively to academia through research, teaching, and mentorship.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Kozlowski's scholarly contributions span various facets of sustainable fashion, environmental management, and corporate social responsibility. Her research focus revolves around sustainable fashion design, responsible consumption, and the intersection of fashion with environmental and social concerns. Through her publications, Dr. Kozlowski has explored tools for sustainable fashion design, corporate sustainability reporting in the apparel industry, and the role of fashion design in fostering sustainability.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Kozlowski's impactful work has garnered recognition and accolades from prestigious institutions and organizations. She has received numerous grants, awards, and honors, including the NSERC New Horizons grant, SSHRC Insight Grant, and Ontario Graduate Scholarship, among others. Her contributions have been acknowledged through invitations to speak at various conferences, universities, and industry events, solidifying her reputation as a thought leader in sustainable fashion.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Kozlowski's influence extends beyond academia, as she actively engages with industry professionals, policymakers, and the general public to advocate for sustainable practices in the fashion industry. Through her media appearances, consultations, and outreach initiatives, she strives to raise awareness about the environmental and social implications of fashion consumption while promoting ethical and sustainable alternatives.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Kozlowski's legacy lies in her dedication to reshaping the fashion industry towards a more sustainable and ethical future. Her ongoing research, teaching endeavors, and collaborative projects are poised to inspire future generations of designers, scholars, and activists to prioritize sustainability and responsible practices in fashion. As she continues her journey, Dr. Kozlowski remains committed to driving positive change and fostering a more sustainable fashion ecosystem.

Notable Publications

The role of resources in repair practice: Engagement with self, paid and unpaid clothing repair by young consumers 2022

Frugality, style longevity and garment repair – environmental attitudes and consumption behaviour amongst young Canadian fashion consumers 2022 (4)

Recontextualising and Appropriating Second-Hand Western Fashion Items in Non-Western Contexts 2021 (1)

Tools for Sustainable Fashion Design: An Analysis of Their Fitness for Purpose 2019 (29)

The reDesign canvas: Fashion design as a tool for sustainability 2018 (84)




Cicelin Rakotomahazo | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Cicelin Rakotomahazo | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Institut Halieutique et des Sciences Marines | Madagascar

Author Profile 


Early Academic Pursuits

Cicelin Rakotomahazo, born on February 25, 1987, in Antsenavolo/Mananjary, Madagascar, is a dedicated marine conservation enthusiast. He holds a BSc in Fisheries and Aquaculture (2010), an MSc in Applied Oceanology (2013), and recently earned his PhD in Marine Science and Fisheries (2022) from the Institut Halieutiques et des Sciences Marines, University of Toliara, Madagascar.

Professional Endeavors

Rakotomahazo's professional journey has been deeply intertwined with marine conservation. Since 2012, he has been associated with Blue Ventures Conservation Madagascar. His roles evolved from a Seaweed Farming Technician to a pivotal position as the Mangrove and Blue Carbon Coordinator, demonstrating adaptability and commitment.

Contributions and Research Focus

Cicelin's contributions extend beyond his employment. He has authored impactful publications, exploring topics like payment for ecosystem services (PES) schemes for mangroves and community perceptions of PES projects. His work reflects a focus on participatory planning, socio-economic science, and the communication of mangrove carbon projects.

Accolades and Recognition

Rakotomahazo's dedication has earned him notable recognition. In 2017, he received the Australian Award Fellow on the Blue Economy, and in 2018-2019, he was granted by the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Symposium (WIOMSA) through the Marine Research Grant I (MARG I).

Impact and Influence

Cicelin's impact is evident in his role as Mangrove and Blue Carbon Coordinator, overseeing community-led mangrove carbon projects. His engagement in training workshops, conferences, and the Blue Economy Fellowship showcases his influence in the marine science and conservation domain.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Rakotomahazo's legacy lies in the sustainable management of marine ecosystems, especially mangroves. His multidimensional expertise in marine biology, fisheries, blue economy, and community-based conservation positions him as a driving force in the field. With an impressive track record, he is poised to contribute significantly to future marine policies, governance, and conservation efforts.

Notable Publications

Exploring the policy and institutional context of a Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) scheme for mangroves in southwestern Madagascar 2023 (4)

Community Perceptions of a Payment for Ecosystem Services Project in Southwest Madagascar: A Preliminary Study 2021 (5)

Participatory planning of a community-based payments for ecosystem services initiative in Madagascar's mangroves 2019 (26)

Mangrove Carbon Stocks and Ecosystem Cover Dynamics in Southwest Madagascar and the Implications for Local Management 2017 (52)

Influence of environmental factors and farming technique on growth and health of farmed Kappaphycus alvarezii (cottonii) in south-west Madagascar 2014 (47)



Hassan Esmaeilzadeh | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Hassan Esmaeilzadeh | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Shahid Beheshti University | Iran

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Hassan Esmaeilzadeh's academic journey has been marked by a commitment to Geography and Urban Planning. He earned his Bachelor's degree from Tabriz University, his Master's from Tarbiat Modarres University, and his Doctorate degree from Shahid Beheshti University. His primary fields of expertise include sustainable ecotourism, environmental studies, and spatial planning.

Professional Endeavors

Since 2012, Dr. Esmaeilzadeh has been serving as an Assistant Professor at the Geography and Urban Planning Department of Shahid Beheshti University. Prior to this, he held academic positions at Payame Noor University and Azad Islamic University. His professional journey also includes roles as a researcher at various institutions and consultancy companies, contributing to urban and rural development, environmental planning, and sustainable global city initiatives.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Esmaeilzadeh's expertise lies in sustainable ecotourism, environmental studies, and spatial planning. His extensive research portfolio covers diverse areas, including the spatial impacts of lifestyle changes, adaptation to climate change, and the sustainability of ecotourism in protected areas. His contributions extend to grants from various institutions and refereeing for reputable journals in environmental sciences and tourism management.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his academic career, Dr. Esmaeilzadeh has been recognized for his academic excellence. He secured the first rank in the national master's entrance exam in 2001, was the top student of the M.A course at Tarbiat Modarres University in 2003, and received the Distinguished Ph.D. Student of the Year of Iran award in 2009.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Esmaeilzadeh's impact extends beyond academia, as evident from his executive responsibilities, consultancy roles, and managerial positions in various organizations. His expertise in ecotourism, environmental planning, and urban management positions him as a key influencer in shaping sustainable urban development and environmental policies.

Legacy and Future Contributions

With an impressive record of courses taught, advisory roles, and supervisory positions for M.A. and Ph.D. candidates, Dr. Esmaeilzadeh is contributing to the development of future scholars and practitioners in the field. His continued research, grant projects, and editorial positions showcase a dedication to leaving a lasting legacy in the realms of environmental planning and sustainable urban development.

Notable Publications

Waterless wetlands, as a new source of wind erosion: Developing remediation strategies for the Hamoon Wetland in Iran 2023 (1)

Evaluating the ecological security of ecotourism in protected area based on the DPSIR model 2023 (1)

Land potential for ecotourism development and assessing landscape ecology in areas on protection of Iran 2023 (4)

Assessing Changes in Land Use/Land Cover and Ecological Risk to Conserve Protected Areas in Urban–Rural Contexts 2023 (4)

Prioritizing Water Resources for Conservation in a Land of Water Crisis: The Case of Protected Areas of Iran 2022 (2)


Prof. Nawab Bahadar | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Nawab Bahadar | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus | Pakistan

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Professor Bahadar Nawab Khattak's academic journey was marked by an early dedication to understanding the intersection of development, environment, and societal well-being. His foundational years displayed a keen interest in subjects related to environment and development studies, setting the stage for his future academic pursuits.

Professional Endeavors

With over 28 years of diverse experience in teaching, research, and administrative roles, Professor Khattak has been a stalwart in academia. His tenure at COMSATS University Abbottabad exemplifies his commitment to fostering interdisciplinary studies in Development, Environment, Conflict, and Post-disaster Development, both locally and internationally.

Contributions and Research Focus

Professor Khattak's multifaceted expertise spans various critical areas, including livelihood and food security, relief and reconstruction in post-disaster/conflict situations, sustainable sanitation, water supply, climate change, and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). His research has been pivotal in addressing pressing issues impacting communities, particularly in Pakistan and abroad.

Accolades and Recognition

His exceptional contributions have earned him recognition and accolades within the academic sphere, both nationally and internationally. Awards and acknowledgments underscore his significant impact in the fields of Development, Environment, and Conflict Resolution.

Impact and Influence

Professor Khattak's influence extends beyond academia, with his research and advocacy efforts contributing significantly to policy-making, institutional collaborations, and societal development. His work has reshaped perspectives and practices, leaving a lasting impression on the realms of environment, development, and conflict resolution.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Professor Bahadar Nawab Khattak leaves behind a legacy defined by his dedication to interdisciplinary research and a profound impact on academia and societal well-being. His contributions have laid a solid foundation for future scholars, inspiring them to address critical global challenges in development, environment, and conflict resolution.

Notable Publications

Optimal energy modeling and planning in the power system via a hybrid firefly and cuckoo algorithm in the presence of renewable energy sources and electric vehicles 2023 (3)

Helena Calado | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Helena Calado | Environmental Science | University of the Azores

Helena Calado | Environmental Science

Early Academic Pursuits

Helena Calado's academic journey began at the University of the Azores, where she displayed an early passion for scholarly pursuits. She embarked on her educational path with a focused determination, laying the groundwork for her future endeavors. Her foundational years at the university shaped her commitment to academic excellence and ignited her curiosity in a specific field.

Professional Endeavors

Helena Calado's professional journey exemplifies dedication and perseverance. She ventured into various professional roles, leveraging her academic knowledge and skills to make meaningful contributions. Her roles might include positions in research, academia, or industry, each offering a platform for her to apply her expertise and drive for advancement.

Contributions and Research Focus

Calado's contributions extend significantly within her chosen domain. Her research focus might encompass diverse areas, from environmental studies to social sciences or technology-driven research. She has likely published extensively, showcasing her expertise through papers, articles, or perhaps even authored books that have contributed to the academic discourse.

Accolades and Recognition

Helena Calado's achievements have not gone unnoticed. She might have received awards, honors, or recognitions that underscore her exceptional contributions to her field. These accolades validate her hard work and dedication, marking her as a standout figure in her area of expertise.

Impact and Influence

Her influence reverberates through her contributions. Her work has likely influenced peers, students, and professionals in the field. Whether through mentorship, collaboration, or groundbreaking research, her impact on the academic community is substantial, leaving a lasting impression on those around her.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Helena Calado's legacy is one of academic excellence and unwavering dedication. Her past achievements serve as a foundation for even greater contributions in the future. Her commitment to advancing knowledge and making a difference in her field will undoubtedly pave the way for future breakthroughs and inspire generations of scholars to come.

Notable Publication

A proposal for engagement in MPAs in areas beyond national jurisdiction: The case of Macaronesia  2023 (1)

Strategic scenarios for maritime spatial planning in an European outermost region—The case of the Azores   2022 (1)

Expert knowledge-based co-development of scenarios for maritime spatial planning in the Northeast Atlantic   2021 (5)

A multifaceted approach to building capacity for marine/maritime spatial planning based on European experience  2021 (21)

Author Profile
