Anna Borkowska | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Mrs. Anna Borkowska | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

University of Life Sciences in Lublin | Poland

Author Profile



Early Academic Pursuits 🎓

Mrs. Anna Borkowska embarked on her academic journey with a strong foundation in horticulture. She pursued an Engineer of Horticulture degree from the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, graduating in 2010. Building on this, she continued her studies at the same university, obtaining a Master of Science in Horticulture in 2011. Her passion for the subject led her to join the Doctoral School at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin in 2023, where she is currently a participant, further advancing her knowledge and expertise in the field.

Professional Endeavors 💼

Mrs. Borkowska’s professional career is marked by significant roles in both the public and private sectors. From 2012 to 2013, she served as an administrative technician at the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture in Sandomierz. Her responsibilities included processing area payment applications, ensuring compliance with cross-compliance requirements, and providing training on finance and insurance for farmers. She continued her administrative career as an employee at the County Office in Sandomierz from 2013 to 2014, where she managed documents related to driving licenses and maintained the IT services of the vehicle driver register. Since 2011, Mrs. Borkowska has also been a dedicated copywriter, offering proofreading, writing, and research services to individual clients. Her expertise in this area has contributed to the co-authorship of several publications in renowned scientific journals.

Contributions and Research Focus 📚

Mrs. Borkowska has made valuable contributions to the field of horticulture and beyond through her research and publications. She has co-authored papers in journals such as Energies, Journal of Water and Land Development, Annales Horticulturae, and Agricultural News. Her research interests are diverse, spanning topics related to horticulture, environmental science, and agricultural practices.

Accolades and Recognition 🏆

Throughout her career, Mrs. Borkowska has been recognized for her exceptional organizational skills, effective team management, and excellent communication abilities. Her academic and professional achievements reflect her dedication and commitment to her fields of study and work.

Impact and Influence 🌍

Mrs. Borkowska’s influence extends beyond her immediate professional environment. As the Chairperson of the Housing Community Board for ‘Krukowska 20’ in Sandomierz since 2017, she has demonstrated strong leadership in managing community affairs, representing the community externally, and ensuring the proper maintenance and development of joint property. Her voluntary work and engagement in community activities further highlight her commitment to making a positive impact.

Legacy and Future Contributions ✨

As Mrs. Borkowska continues her doctoral studies, her future contributions to horticulture and related fields are highly anticipated. Her ongoing research, coupled with her experience and skills, positions her as a future leader and innovator. Her legacy will likely include significant advancements in horticultural practices and sustainable agricultural development, influencing both academic and practical approaches in these areas.



📄Analysis of the Energy Potential of Hazelnut Husk Depending on the Variety
Authors : Anna Borkowska, Kamila Klimek, Grzegorz Maj, and Magdalena Kapłan
Journal : Energies
Year : 2024

📄Effect of Growth Regulators on the Quality of Apple Tree Whorls
Authors : M. Kapłan, K. Klimek, A. Borkowska, K. Buczyński
Journal : Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Year : 2023

📄Evaluation of the Effect of Biostimulation on the Yielding of Golden Delicious Apple Trees
Authors : M. Kapłan, K. Klimek, K. Buczyński, T. Krupa, A. Borkowska
Journal : Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Year : 2023


Mahdy Hamed | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Mahdy Hamed | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Agriculture Faculty, New Valley University | Egypt

Author Profile

Google Scholar

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Mahdy Hassan Hamed Rashed, born on 18/10/1977 in Sohag Governorate, Egypt, embarked on his academic journey at Al-Azhar University, earning a Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Sciences (Soil and Water) with an excellent grade and honors. He continued his educational pursuit with a Master's degree in Agricultural Sciences (Soil and Water) from Assiut University, focusing on the transformations of phosphorus forms in calcareous soils induced by organic materials. Driven by a passion for soil and water sciences, he achieved a Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences (Soil and Water) from Assiut University, titled "Effect of Organic Amendments on Potassium Dynamics in Clay and Calcareous Sandy Soils."

Professional Endeavors

Currently holding the position of Associate Professor at New Valley University, Egypt, Dr. Rashed specializes in soil chemistry, soil fertility, plant nutrients, organic agriculture, organic waste management, hydroponics, and aquaponics. His extensive experience includes expertise in soil fertility, plant nutrition, and the production of organic fertilizers. Proficient in soil and water analysis devices, he excels in preparing nutrient solutions for hydroponics.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Rashed's research has significantly contributed to understanding potassium dynamics in different soil types under the influence of organic amendments. His work encompasses the transformations of phosphorus forms in calcareous soils induced by organic materials. His expertise extends to organic agriculture, emphasizing sustainable practices and waste management. Additionally, he explores innovative cultivation methods such as hydroponics and aquaponics.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Rashed's academic journey has been marked by excellence, earning honors during his bachelor's studies. His contributions to the field have been acknowledged with the award of a Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Sciences. His dedication and achievements have been recognized through various research productivity awards.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Rashed's impact extends beyond academia, as he actively engages in practical applications of his research findings. His work in soil fertility and organic agriculture has the potential to influence sustainable farming practices, promoting environmental consciousness.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Mahdy Hassan Hamed Rashed leaves a legacy of insightful research in soil and water sciences. His commitment to sustainable agriculture and organic practices positions him as a key figure in shaping the future of eco-friendly farming. His ongoing contributions are anticipated to further advance knowledge in soil fertility, plant nutrition, and innovative cultivation methods.

Notable Publications

Zinc and amino acids improve the growth, physiological, and biochemical attributes of corn under different irrigation levels 2024

Perspective Chapter: The Toxic Silver (Hg) 2023

Foliar application of iron-lysine to boost growth attributes, photosynthetic pigments and biochemical defense system in canola (Brassica napus L.) under cadmium stress 2023

Modelling and Digital Mapping of the Infiltration Characteristics of Major Agricultural Soils 2022

Eco-friendly production of biochar via conventional pyrolysis: Application of biochar and liquefied smoke for plant productivity and seed germination 2021 (20)





Lei Wang | Energy | Innovation in Publishing Award

Dr. Lei Wang | Energy | Innovation in Publishing Award

Tsinghua University | China

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Lei Wang embarked on his academic journey, earning a Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from Yangtze University in 2015. He furthered his studies, completing a Master's degree at Hubei University of Technology in 2019 and earning his Ph.D. from Wuhan University in Electrical Engineering in 2023.

Professional Endeavors

Lei Wang delved into the realm of academia, contributing significantly to various research projects. His roles included postdoctoral research at Tsinghua University, focusing on machine learning applications in battery prognostics and health management. He demonstrated his expertise in anomaly detection, safety assessment, and predictive modeling for battery systems.

Contributions and Research Focus

Lei Wang made substantial contributions to the "Power IoTs" project, focusing on deep reinforcement learning for adaptive uncertainty economic dispatch in power systems. His innovative models addressed the complexities of economic dispatch, showcasing adaptability to uncertain conditions, particularly in renewable energy integration scenarios.

Accolades and Recognition

Lei Wang received recognition for his pivotal role in developing a deep reinforcement learning-based approach, enhancing economic dispatch in power systems. His work contributed to grid reliability and efficiency, demonstrating practical applicability in real-world scenarios, particularly in Tianjin's Binhai New Area.

Impact and Influence

Lei Wang's research has left a lasting impact on the field, advancing the understanding of power system optimization. His work not only contributes to academic knowledge but also has practical implications for improving the efficiency and reliability of power delivery and consumption.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Lei Wang's legacy includes pioneering work in machine learning applications for battery systems and economic dispatch in power systems. Looking ahead, his expertise in artificial intelligence, spatiotemporal correlation modeling, and power equipment diagnosis positions him as a key contributor to the evolving landscape of energy research. As an emerging leader in the field, Lei Wang is poised to continue making groundbreaking contributions to the energy sector.

Notable Publications

An Unsupervised Approach to Wind Turbine Blade Icing Detection Based on Beta Variational Graph Attention Autoencoder 2023

Wind turbine blade icing risk assessment considering power output predictions based on SCSO-IFCM clustering algorithm 2024

A novel approach to ultra-short-term multi-step wind power predictions based on encoder–decoder architecture in natural language processing 2022 (18)

M2STAN: Multi-modal multi-task spatiotemporal attention network for multi-location ultra-short-term wind power multi-step predictions 2022 (22)

M2TNet: Multi-modal multi-task Transformer network for ultra-short-term wind power multi-step forecasting 2022 (19)




Esraa Elmarakby | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Esraa Elmarakby | Best Researcher Award - Award Winner 2023

Esraa Elmarakby | Environmental Science

Esraa Elmarakby, congratulations on receiving the prestigious Best Researcher Award! Your dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to advancing the understanding of environmentally smart Transit-Oriented Development are truly commendable. This recognition not only celebrates your remarkable achievements but also acknowledges the depth of your research contributions to shaping sustainable urban landscapes. Your relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovative approaches undoubtedly sets a benchmark for excellence in academia and inspires us all to reach greater heights in research and scholarly endeavors.

Esraa, your relentless pursuit of knowledge and groundbreaking research in exploring the intricate relationship between urban development and environmental sustainability is nothing short of exceptional. Your commitment to unraveling the complexities of Urban Heat Islands and non-exhaust emissions within Transit-Oriented Developments is not just commendable—it's pioneering. This award stands as a testament to your profound impact on academia and your invaluable contributions to the field. Your passion, diligence, and vision for a more sustainable future resonate deeply, and your achievements serve as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring researchers worldwide. Congratulations on this well-deserved honor!

Early Academic Pursuits

Esraa Elmarakby embarked on her academic journey with a Bachelor's in Urban Planning and Design from Ain Shams University, Egypt. Her pursuit continued with a Master's degree focusing on the Urban Heat Island Phenomenon in Cairo's residential areas, emphasizing morphological impacts.

Professional Endeavors

She transitioned into the realm of remote sensing, acquiring a Diploma as a Certified Remote Sensing Specialist and delving into various certifications such as Remote Sensing Specialist, Professional, and Solution Developer.

Contributions and Research Focus

Esraa's research predominantly centers on the intersection of urban development and environmental sustainability. Her published works explore the impact of urban morphology on Urban Heat Islands (UHI) and non-exhaust emissions (NEE) in transit-oriented developments, showcasing her expertise in climate change, spatial analysis, and environmental impact assessment.

Accolades and Recognition

Her achievements include winning the UOS Three-Minute Thesis competition and receiving an Associate Fellow designation from Advance Higher Education in the UK.

Notable Publication

Spatial Morphology and Urban Heat Island: Comparative Case Studies 

Workers’ Satisfaction vis-à-vis Environmental and Socio-Morphological Aspects for Sustainability and Decent Work  1 February 2022

Impact of urban morphology on Urban Heat Island in Manchester's transit-oriented development 6 December 2023

Impact and Influence

Esraa's work as a Project Officer at the University of Salford's CRUISE Project demonstrates her commitment to managing research initiatives, while her roles as a lecturer, ambassador, and vice president of the UOS's CIB Student Chapter highlight her dedication to knowledge exchange, academic facilitation, and community engagement.

Legacy and Future Contributions

With a promising trajectory, Esraa aims to complete her Ph.D., focusing on advancing environmentally smart Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). Her vision seems to be deeply rooted in merging research, practical application, and academic mentorship, poised to leave a lasting impact on the fields of urban planning and environmental sustainability.

Author Profile

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