Theodoros Grivas | Medicine and Dentistry | Lifetime Achievement Award

Dr. Theodoros Grivas | Medicine and Dentistry | Lifetime Achievement Award

Tzaneio General Hospital of Piraeus | Greece 

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🎓 Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Theodoros B. Grivas began his illustrious journey in medicine by graduating from the Medical School at “Aristotle” University of Thessaloniki in 1978. His academic foundation was further solidified through comprehensive training in General Surgery, Paediatric and Adult Orthopaedics, and Traumatology in Greece. Driven by a passion for deepening his expertise, he pursued and earned a Ph.D. from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, establishing a robust foundation for his future contributions to orthopaedic and spinal surgery.

💼 Professional Endeavors

Throughout his career, Dr. Grivas worked at prestigious institutions, including the “University Hospital” at Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham, “Harlow Wood” Orthopaedic Hospital in Mansfield, UK, and prominent hospitals in Athens, Greece. Notably, he served as the Director of the Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department at “Thriasio” Hospital for five years and later at “Tzaneio” General Hospital of Piraeus for 12 years until his retirement in 2021. His leadership and expertise significantly impacted the field, where he played a pivotal role in advancing patient care and surgical practices.

🔬 Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Grivas has an impressive record of scientific contributions, including over 645 scientific publications and presentations, with 136 indexed in Medline. His research spans various orthopaedic and spinal topics, with a particular focus on school screening programs and spinal deformities. As a principal investigator or collaborator, he was involved in 20 research projects, funded by national and European sources. Additionally, he established a National Training Center for school-screening examiners and was a key figure in implementing the School Screening program in Greece.

🏆 Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Grivas’s achievements have been recognized both nationally and internationally. He has served as a member and Traveling Fellow of renowned organizations like AAOS, AOA, and SRS. He held the presidency of the IRSSD, SOSORT (which he helped found), and the Hellenic Spine Society. His editorial contributions include serving as the Chief Editor of the BMC open access journal “Scoliosis and Spinal Deformities,” and as a member of the editorial board or a reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals. His department was also honored with the opportunity to provide the “Trialect platform” Fellowship in Orthopaedics and Traumatology.

🌍 Impact and Influence

Dr. Grivas’s influence extends beyond his immediate clinical work, impacting the broader medical community through his involvement in critical decision-making bodies. During 2019-2020, he served on the National Examination Committee for Orthopaedics and Traumatology and was a member of the Crisis and Selection Council of the Hellenic National Health System from 2020-2021, which is responsible for the appointment of Orthopaedic Surgeons in State Hospital Positions.

🚀 Legacy and Future Contributions

Even in retirement, Dr. Grivas continues to contribute to the field he has dedicated his life to. He is currently focused on establishing the Hellenic Scoliosis Foundation, aiming to further advance the understanding and treatment of scoliosis. His enduring legacy lies in his vast body of work, the numerous professionals he has mentored, and the patients whose lives he has improved through his expertise in orthopaedics and spinal surgery. His future contributions promise to leave a lasting impact on the field, continuing to inspire and guide the next generation of surgeons.



📄 Rib index is a strong surrogate of scoliometric reading in idiopathic scoliosis
Author(s): Grivas, T.B., Jevtic, N., Ljubojevic, D., Mamzari, A., Vasiliadis, E.
Journal: European Spine Journal
Year: 2024

📄 Cross-cultural adaptation, reliability and validity of the Greek version of the Spinal Appearance Questionnaire (SAQ) in patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
Author(s): Oikonomaki, M., Kelalis, G., Skouras, A.Z., Georgoudis, G., Grivas, T.
Journal: Spine Deformity
Year: 2024

📄 A Questionnaire of Physiotherapeutic Specific Exercises of Scoliosis—QPSSE
Author(s): Grivas, T.B., Dadakaridou, D., Fokidi, S.A., Theodosopoulos, E., Griva, A.M.
Journal: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Year: 2024

📄 Menarche in Scoliotic and Non-Scoliotic Balkan Girls and the Relationship between Menarche and the Laterality of Scoliotic Curves
Author(s): Pjanic, S., Jevtic, N., Grivas, T.B.
Journal: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Year: 2024

📄 Segmental Rib Index and Spinal Deformity: Scoliogenic Implications
Author(s): Grivas, T.B., Jevtic, N., Ljubojevic, D., Golic, F., Vasiliadis, E.
Journal: Healthcare (Switzerland)
Year: 2023


Jiang hua Yang | Medicine and Dentistry | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Jianghua Yang | Medicine and Dentistry | Best Researcher Award

Yijishan Hospital | China

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Jianghua Yang began his academic journey in the medical field with a focus on infectious diseases. His foundational studies laid the groundwork for a career dedicated to understanding and combating a variety of infectious diseases. Over the years, Dr. Yang has honed his expertise and developed a deep research interest in several key areas, including tuberculosis, severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome, schistosomiasis, and hepatitis.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Jianghua Yang is currently associated with the Department of Infectious Diseases at Yijishan Hospital of Wannan Medical College in Wuhu, Anhui, China. In his professional role, he has undertaken significant research projects and contributed extensively to the field of infectious diseases. His work is characterized by a commitment to advancing medical knowledge and improving patient outcomes through rigorous scientific inquiry and collaboration with other researchers.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Yang's research spans several critical areas in infectious diseases. His studies on tuberculosis have been published in reputable journals such as "Tuberculosis (Edinb)" and the "International Journal of Infectious Diseases". His work on severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome has appeared in the "Journal of Medical Virology" and the "Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases". Additionally, Dr. Yang has investigated schistosomiasis, with his findings published in "Scientific Reports" and "Journal of Cancer". His research on hepatitis has been featured in the "European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology" and "BMC Gastroenterology". These contributions have not only enhanced the understanding of these diseases but have also provided valuable insights into their diagnosis, treatment, and management.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his career, Dr. Yang has received recognition for his impactful research and contributions to the field of infectious diseases. His publications have been cited by peers, reflecting the significance and influence of his work. Dr. Yang's dedication to advancing medical science has earned him respect and acknowledgment within the academic and medical communities.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Yang's research has had a substantial impact on the understanding and treatment of infectious diseases. His work on tuberculosis and severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome has informed clinical practices and guided further research in these areas. By elucidating the complexities of diseases such as schistosomiasis and hepatitis, Dr. Yang has contributed to the development of more effective diagnostic and therapeutic strategies, thereby improving patient care and outcomes.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Jianghua Yang's legacy in the field of infectious diseases is marked by his significant research contributions and his commitment to advancing medical knowledge. As he continues his work, Dr. Yang is poised to make further groundbreaking discoveries that will enhance the understanding of infectious diseases and lead to better health outcomes worldwide. His ongoing research and dedication to scientific excellence will undoubtedly inspire future generations of researchers and healthcare professionals.


Notable Publications

Trends of type 2 diabetes with pulmonary tuberculosis patients,2013–2022, and changes after the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic 2024 (2)

Construction of an early differentiation diagnosis model for patients with severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome and hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome 2024

Prevalence and impact of viral myocarditis in patients with severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome 2024

Clinicopathological characteristics and its association with digestive system tumors of 1111 patients with Schistosomiasis japonica 2023 (1)

A risk prediction model for acute kidney injury in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis during anti-tuberculosis treatment 2022 (4)






Hong Seok Kim | Medicine and Dentistry | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Hong Seok Kim | Medicine and Dentistry | Best Researcher Award

Seoul National University | South Korea

Author Profile



Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Hong Seok Kim began his academic journey with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Johns Hopkins University (2007-2010). He then pursued a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) at the College of Medicine, Seoul National University (2011-2015), followed by a Ph.D. from the Graduate School, Seoul National University (2020-2022).

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Kim's professional career is marked by a series of significant positions within the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Seoul National University Hospital. Starting as an intern in 2015, he progressed to a resident, fellow, clinical professor, and finally, assistant professor. His roles reflect a steady advancement in his expertise and responsibilities in orthopaedic surgery.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Kim has made substantial contributions to orthopaedic surgery, particularly focusing on hip arthroplasty, osteonecrosis, sarcopenia, and periprosthetic joint infections. His research is well-documented through numerous publications in high-impact journals. He has explored various aspects of orthopaedic surgery, from the biomechanics of hip replacements to the management of complex fractures and the implications of sarcopenia in elderly patients.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Kim's work has been recognized with several prestigious awards, including:

  • Best Presentation Award from the Korean Sarcopenia Association (2021)
  • Manrye Award from the Korean Orthopedic Association (2021)
  • International Scholar Award from the Korean Hip Society (2022)
  • Multiple CiOS reviewer Awards from the Korean Orthopedic Association (2022, 2023)
  • Best Podium Award from the Korean Hip Society (2024)

Impact and Influence

Dr. Kim's influence extends beyond his clinical and research contributions. His involvement in various professional societies, such as the Korean Orthopedic Association, Korean Hip Society, and Korean Society for Bone and Mineral Research, underscores his commitment to advancing the field. His work has influenced clinical practices, particularly in the management of hip fractures and the use of novel implant designs in total hip arthroplasty.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Kim's legacy is built on his dedication to improving patient outcomes through innovative surgical techniques and rigorous research. As he continues to publish influential papers and participate in international collaborations, his future contributions are likely to shape the evolution of orthopaedic surgery, particularly in the areas of hip arthroplasty and the management of musculoskeletal conditions in the elderly.


Notable publications

Computed Tomography (CT) Evaluation of Alumina Ceramic-on-Ceramic Total Hip Arthroplasty with More than 20 years of Follow-Up: Is a Follow-Up CT Scan Necessary? 2024

Novel radiologic indices for stem type decision in total hip arthroplasty in patients with metaphyseo-diaphyseal mismatched Dorr A proximal femur 2024

Outcome and complication rate of total hip arthroplasty in patients younger than twenty years: which bearing surface should be used? 2024 (2)

Optimization of Acetabular Cup Abduction by Adjusting Pelvic Pitch 2024

A 10- to 12-year follow-up study of delta ceramic-on-ceramic total hip arthroplasty 2023 (5)

Anterior and Lateral Femoroacetabular Excursion Angles Are Helpful for Assessing Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome: A Cross-Sectional Cohort Study 2023 (1)


Tsheten Tsheten | Health Professions | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Tsheten Tsheten | Health Professions | Best Researcher Award

Australian National University | Australia

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Tsheten began his academic journey with a Bachelor's in Allied Health Sciences from Sri Ramachandra University, India. He later pursued a Master of Public Health at Mahidol University, Thailand. His academic prowess led him to complete a Ph.D. in Epidemiology and Population Health at the Australian National University (ANU) in 2023.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Tsheten has a rich professional background. Prior to his current role as a Research Fellow at the Population Health Exchange (PHXchange) at ANU, he served as an epidemiologist at the Royal Centre for Disease Control in Bhutan until 2019. His experiences include outbreak investigations, public health, and geospatial mapping.

Contributions and Research Focus

His research interests encompass infectious diseases, neglected tropical diseases, outbreak investigation, and geospatial mapping. Dr. Tsheten's significant contributions include risk mapping and socio-ecological drivers of soil-transmitted helminth infections. He is involved in dengue control strategies, spatial analysis of epidemiological data, and has presented at various international conferences.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Tsheten has received accolades such as the Dean's Rising Star Award at ANU. His research on risk mapping and socio-ecological drivers of soil-transmitted helminth infections in the Philippines has been recognized. He has secured multiple research grants and is actively engaged in peer-review activities for reputed journals.

Impact and Influence

As a Research Fellow, Dr. Tsheten plays a pivotal role in teaching and mentoring. He serves as a course convener, guest lecturer, and research supervisor. His influence extends to research mentoring for Ph.D. candidates and providing training to health researchers in Bhutan.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Tsheten's legacy lies in his comprehensive research portfolio, impactful publications, and significant contributions to public health in Bhutan. His future contributions are anticipated through ongoing research, mentoring, and endeavors to control diseases like dengue in the Asia-Pacific region.

Notable Publications

Risk mapping and socio-ecological drivers of soil-transmitted helminth infections in the Philippines: a spatial modelling study 2023

Demographic risk factors for extra-pulmonary tuberculosis: a rising public health threat in Bhutan 2023

Impact of COVID-19 on mental health in Bhutan: a way forward for action 2023 (2)

A cross-sectional study to assess the epidemiological situation and associated risk factors of dengue fever; knowledge, attitudes, and practices about dengue prevention in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan 2022 (11)

Risk Factors of Symptomatic COVID-19 in Samtse District, Bhutan 2022 (3)