Anna Borkowska | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Mrs. Anna Borkowska | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

University of Life Sciences in Lublin | Poland

Author Profile



Early Academic Pursuits 🎓

Mrs. Anna Borkowska embarked on her academic journey with a strong foundation in horticulture. She pursued an Engineer of Horticulture degree from the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, graduating in 2010. Building on this, she continued her studies at the same university, obtaining a Master of Science in Horticulture in 2011. Her passion for the subject led her to join the Doctoral School at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin in 2023, where she is currently a participant, further advancing her knowledge and expertise in the field.

Professional Endeavors 💼

Mrs. Borkowska’s professional career is marked by significant roles in both the public and private sectors. From 2012 to 2013, she served as an administrative technician at the Agency for Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture in Sandomierz. Her responsibilities included processing area payment applications, ensuring compliance with cross-compliance requirements, and providing training on finance and insurance for farmers. She continued her administrative career as an employee at the County Office in Sandomierz from 2013 to 2014, where she managed documents related to driving licenses and maintained the IT services of the vehicle driver register. Since 2011, Mrs. Borkowska has also been a dedicated copywriter, offering proofreading, writing, and research services to individual clients. Her expertise in this area has contributed to the co-authorship of several publications in renowned scientific journals.

Contributions and Research Focus 📚

Mrs. Borkowska has made valuable contributions to the field of horticulture and beyond through her research and publications. She has co-authored papers in journals such as Energies, Journal of Water and Land Development, Annales Horticulturae, and Agricultural News. Her research interests are diverse, spanning topics related to horticulture, environmental science, and agricultural practices.

Accolades and Recognition 🏆

Throughout her career, Mrs. Borkowska has been recognized for her exceptional organizational skills, effective team management, and excellent communication abilities. Her academic and professional achievements reflect her dedication and commitment to her fields of study and work.

Impact and Influence 🌍

Mrs. Borkowska’s influence extends beyond her immediate professional environment. As the Chairperson of the Housing Community Board for ‘Krukowska 20’ in Sandomierz since 2017, she has demonstrated strong leadership in managing community affairs, representing the community externally, and ensuring the proper maintenance and development of joint property. Her voluntary work and engagement in community activities further highlight her commitment to making a positive impact.

Legacy and Future Contributions ✨

As Mrs. Borkowska continues her doctoral studies, her future contributions to horticulture and related fields are highly anticipated. Her ongoing research, coupled with her experience and skills, positions her as a future leader and innovator. Her legacy will likely include significant advancements in horticultural practices and sustainable agricultural development, influencing both academic and practical approaches in these areas.



📄Analysis of the Energy Potential of Hazelnut Husk Depending on the Variety
Authors : Anna Borkowska, Kamila Klimek, Grzegorz Maj, and Magdalena Kapłan
Journal : Energies
Year : 2024

📄Effect of Growth Regulators on the Quality of Apple Tree Whorls
Authors : M. Kapłan, K. Klimek, A. Borkowska, K. Buczyński
Journal : Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Year : 2023

📄Evaluation of the Effect of Biostimulation on the Yielding of Golden Delicious Apple Trees
Authors : M. Kapłan, K. Klimek, K. Buczyński, T. Krupa, A. Borkowska
Journal : Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
Year : 2023


Atikilt Abera | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Mr. Atikilt Abera | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award 

Amhara Regional Agricultural Research Institute | Ethiopia

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits 🎓

Mr. Atikilt Abera embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor’s degree in Natural Resources Management from Bahir Dar University in Ethiopia. His passion for soil and water conservation led him to pursue a Master’s degree in Soil and Water Conservation Engineering at Hawassa University, where he gained a solid foundation in conservation practices and engineering principles.

Professional Endeavors 🌍

Mr. Abera has dedicated his professional career to soil and water conservation research. He is currently a researcher at the Amhara Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI) in Gondar, Ethiopia. His role involves identifying environmental problems, planning and implementing projects, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders. His expertise extends to advanced data analysis and project management, ensuring effective conservation strategies and solutions.

Contributions and Research Focus 🔬

Mr. Abera’s research is centered on soil and water conservation engineering. His work includes analyzing the effects of various tillage practices, sediment yield estimation, and the impact of conservation measures on soil properties and crop yield. He has published extensively on these topics, contributing to the understanding and development of effective conservation techniques in Ethiopia.

Accolades and Recognition 🏆

Mr. Abera has earned recognition for his contributions to soil and water conservation. His published works in reputable journals highlight his expertise and the impact of his research on the field. His involvement in significant projects such as Climate Action through Landscape Management (CALM) and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) further demonstrates his commitment to advancing environmental conservation.

Impact and Influence 🌱

Mr. Abera’s research has had a profound impact on soil and water conservation practices in Ethiopia. His work has influenced local and regional institutions, guiding community-based watershed development and providing valuable insights into effective conservation measures. His ability to analyze complex data and develop practical solutions has made him a key figure in the field.

Legacy and Future Contributions 🚀

As a leading researcher in soil and water conservation, Mr. Abera’s legacy includes a wealth of knowledge and practical solutions that continue to benefit communities and ecosystems. His ongoing research and commitment to education and collaboration ensure that his contributions will have a lasting impact on the field. Looking ahead, Mr. Abera is poised to continue advancing conservation practices and addressing environmental challenges through innovative research and collaborative efforts.


Publications 📰

  • Effects of tillage practices and planting techniques on crop yield and soil properties in northwestern lowlands of Ethiopia
    Author: Atikilt Abera Alemayehu, Legese Abebaw Getu, Tewodros Samual, Baye Ayalew, Hailu Kendie Addis, Tesfaye Feyisa, Tamirat Worku, Meka Tahir, Edimealem Getu
    Journal: Journal of Agriculture and Food Research
    Year: 2023

  • Cross-Correlation of Soil Moisture and Stone Content and Their Spatial Pattern Across the Different Slope Aspects and Soil Depth
    Author: Hailu Kendie Addis, Baye Ayalew, Muuz Gebretsadik, Atikilt Abera, Legese Abebaw Getu, Amsalu K. Addis
    Journal: Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology
    Year: 2023

  • Estimation of sediment yield and effectiveness of level stone bunds to reduce sediment loss in the Gumara-Maksegnit watershed, Nile Basin, Ethiopia
    Author: Atikilt Abera Alemayehu, Alemayehu Muluneh, Awdenegest Moges, Hailu Kendie
    Journal: Journal of Soils and Sediments
    Year: 2020

  • Economic benefits of soil and water conservation measures at the sub-catchment scale in the northern Highlands of Ethiopia
    Author: Hailu Kendie Addis, Atikilt Abera, Legese Abebaw
    Journal: Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment
    Year: 2020

  • Impacts of stone bunds on selected soil properties and crop yield in Gumara-Maksegnit watershed Northern Ethiopia
    Author: Atikilt Abera Alemayehu, Legese Abebaw Getu, Hailu Kendie Addis, Manuel Tejada Moral
    Journal: Cogent Food & Agriculture
    Year: 2020


Hoda Fakour | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Hoda Fakour | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

National Taiwan Normal University | Taiwan

Author Profile



Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Hoda Fakour embarked on her academic journey with a Bachelor's degree in "Natural Resources Engineering-Environment" from Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran. She pursued further studies, earning a Master's degree in "Natural Resources Engineering-Environment" from Tarbiat Modares University, Iran. Her academic pursuits culminated in a Ph.D. degree in "Environmental Engineering" from the Department of Environmental Engineering, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Fakour has held various academic positions, including Assistant Professor roles at institutions such as National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) and Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU). She has contributed significantly as a Postdoctoral Researcher at National Taiwan University (NTU). Her academic journey showcases her commitment to environmental engineering and sustainability management.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Fakour's research focuses on diverse areas such as climate change resilience, aquaculture sustainability, microplastic pollution, and the nexus approach for sustainable development. Her work spans from assessing urban resilience to climate change to evaluating the impact of solar photovoltaic carport canopies on energy efficiency.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Fakour's contributions to academia have been acknowledged through various awards and honors, including the "Best Researcher" award at CJCU and the "Green Technology Award" for the Best Ph.D. Thesis. She has also received prestigious scholarships and teaching funds for her exceptional work in sustainable development and environmental education.

Impact and Influence

Through her research publications, Dr. Fakour has made significant contributions to the scientific community. Her studies on climate change adaptation, aquaculture feasibility, and microplastic pollution have provided valuable insights into environmental sustainability. Additionally, her supervision of postgraduate and undergraduate research projects reflects her dedication to nurturing the next generation of environmental scientists.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Hoda Fakour's legacy lies in her interdisciplinary research and dedication to addressing pressing environmental challenges. Her work not only contributes to academic knowledge but also informs policy-making and practical solutions for a sustainable future. With a focus on energy transition, climate resilience, and environmental monitoring, Dr. Fakour continues to pave the way for innovative research and impactful contributions to society's well-being.

Notable Publications

Evaluation of solar photovoltaic carport canopy with electric vehicle charging potential 2023 (10)

Aquavoltaics Feasibility Assessment: Synergies of Solar PV Power Generation and Aquaculture Production 2023 (2)

Exploring Climate Disaster Resilience: Insight into City and Zone Levels of Southern Taiwan 2021 (2)

Conceptual Framework for Disaster Management in Coastal Cities Using Climate Change Resilience and Coping Ability 2021 (3)

Application of Rough and Fuzzy Set Theory for Prediction of Stochastic Wind Speed Data Using Long Short-Term Memory 2021 (13)






Hassan Esmaeilzadeh | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Hassan Esmaeilzadeh | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Shahid Beheshti University | Iran

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Hassan Esmaeilzadeh's academic journey has been marked by a commitment to Geography and Urban Planning. He earned his Bachelor's degree from Tabriz University, his Master's from Tarbiat Modarres University, and his Doctorate degree from Shahid Beheshti University. His primary fields of expertise include sustainable ecotourism, environmental studies, and spatial planning.

Professional Endeavors

Since 2012, Dr. Esmaeilzadeh has been serving as an Assistant Professor at the Geography and Urban Planning Department of Shahid Beheshti University. Prior to this, he held academic positions at Payame Noor University and Azad Islamic University. His professional journey also includes roles as a researcher at various institutions and consultancy companies, contributing to urban and rural development, environmental planning, and sustainable global city initiatives.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Esmaeilzadeh's expertise lies in sustainable ecotourism, environmental studies, and spatial planning. His extensive research portfolio covers diverse areas, including the spatial impacts of lifestyle changes, adaptation to climate change, and the sustainability of ecotourism in protected areas. His contributions extend to grants from various institutions and refereeing for reputable journals in environmental sciences and tourism management.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his academic career, Dr. Esmaeilzadeh has been recognized for his academic excellence. He secured the first rank in the national master's entrance exam in 2001, was the top student of the M.A course at Tarbiat Modarres University in 2003, and received the Distinguished Ph.D. Student of the Year of Iran award in 2009.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Esmaeilzadeh's impact extends beyond academia, as evident from his executive responsibilities, consultancy roles, and managerial positions in various organizations. His expertise in ecotourism, environmental planning, and urban management positions him as a key influencer in shaping sustainable urban development and environmental policies.

Legacy and Future Contributions

With an impressive record of courses taught, advisory roles, and supervisory positions for M.A. and Ph.D. candidates, Dr. Esmaeilzadeh is contributing to the development of future scholars and practitioners in the field. His continued research, grant projects, and editorial positions showcase a dedication to leaving a lasting legacy in the realms of environmental planning and sustainable urban development.

Notable Publications

Waterless wetlands, as a new source of wind erosion: Developing remediation strategies for the Hamoon Wetland in Iran 2023 (1)

Evaluating the ecological security of ecotourism in protected area based on the DPSIR model 2023 (1)

Land potential for ecotourism development and assessing landscape ecology in areas on protection of Iran 2023 (4)

Assessing Changes in Land Use/Land Cover and Ecological Risk to Conserve Protected Areas in Urban–Rural Contexts 2023 (4)

Prioritizing Water Resources for Conservation in a Land of Water Crisis: The Case of Protected Areas of Iran 2022 (2)