Bipin Kumar | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Bipin Kumar | Earth and Planetary Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology | India

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Bipin Kumar's academic journey began with a Bachelor of Science in Physical Sciences from the University of Allahabad in 1995, followed by a Master of Science in Mathematics from IIT Kanpur in 1998. He then pursued an MS in Research (Mathematics) at the National University of Singapore in 2006, focusing on computational methods for phase-field models. His quest for deeper expertise led him to earn a Ph.D. in Computing from Dublin City University in 2009, with a thesis on high-performance computing for multiphase fluid flows.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Kumar’s career spans over two decades, encompassing roles in academia, research institutions, and industry. His notable positions include:

  • Scientist and Research Guide at IITM, Pune, India.
  • Associate Professor at Savitribai Phule Pune University.
  • Visiting Scientist at NCAR, Boulder, USA, and Visiting Faculty at McGill University, Canada.
  • Associate Faculty at the International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru, India.
  • Scientist at Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, Germany.

He has held various teaching and research positions, contributing to advancements in high-performance computing, data science, and atmospheric physics.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Kumar's research is centered around:

  • Data Science and AI/ML: Developing parallel Python routines and deep learning algorithms for weather forecasting, data downscaling, fire forecasting, and more.
  • Atmospheric Physics: Studying cloud droplet and aerosol dynamics using DNS.
  • High-Performance Computing (HPC): Enhancing parallel code for CFD problems, 3D visualization, and parallel I/O optimization.
  • Numerical Linear Algebra: Creating parallel algorithms for solving large linear systems of equations.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Kumar has received several prestigious awards:

  • DCU Teaching Excellence Nominee Award (2008)
  • Microsoft Postgraduate Research Scholarship (Ireland, 2007-08)
  • DCU Dean’s Connect Scholarship (Ireland, 2006-09)
  • NUS Research Scholarship (Singapore, 2004-06)
  • CSIR Senior Research Fellowship (India, 2004)

Impact and Influence

Dr. Kumar’s work has significantly influenced fields such as HPC, data science, and atmospheric physics. His contributions to developing computational methods for complex fluid flows and forecasting systems have advanced our understanding of cloud dynamics and weather patterns. His research has impacted both theoretical and practical aspects of meteorology and data analysis.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Kumar aims to broaden his impact through continued research and teaching. By leveraging his expertise in HPC, data science, and cloud microphysics, he aspires to address critical challenges in earth science and contribute to the development of innovative solutions for climate and environmental issues.



  • Deep learning-based bias correction of ISMR simulated by GCM
    Authors: Sumanta Chandra Mishra Sharma, Bipin Kumar, Adway Mitra, Subodh Kumar Saha
    Journal: Atmospheric Research
    Year: 2024


  • Harnessing deep learning for forecasting fire-burning locations and unveiling PM2.5 emissions
    Authors: Gaikwad, S., Kumar, B., Yadav, P.P., Rao, S.A., Ghude, S.D.
    Journal: Modeling Earth Systems and Environment
    Year: 2024


  • Machine learning based quantification of VOC contribution in surface ozone prediction
    Authors: Kalbande, R., Kumar, B., Maji, S., Rathore, D.S., Beig, G.
    Journal: Chemosphere
    Year: 2023


  • On the modern deep learning approaches for precipitation downscaling
    Authors: Kumar, B., Atey, K., Singh, B.B., Nanjundiah, R.S., Rao, S.A.
    Journal: Earth Science Informatics
    Year: 2023


  • A modified deep learning weather prediction using cubed sphere for global precipitation
    Authors: Singh, M., Acharya, N., Patel, P., Nanjundiah, R.S., Niyogi, D.
    Journal: Frontiers in Climate
    Year: 2023







Trufat Hailemariam Gugsa | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Trufat Hailemariam Gugsa | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Addis Ababa University | Ethiopia

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Trufat Hailemariam Gugsa's academic journey began with a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology and Geophysics from Addis Ababa University in 1995. He furthered his education by obtaining a Master of Science degree in the same field from the same institution in 2001. His thesis focused on the "Geotechnical investigation of Sibilu dam site, reservoir, and catchment area." Dr. Gugsa earned his PhD in Civil Engineering and Natural Hazard from the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria, in 2009. His dissertation, titled "Slope Rock Mass Characterization in Tekeze Hydropower Reservoir: Implication to GIS and Satellite Imagery-Based Slope Stability and Reservoir Impounding Induced Hazard Analyses," laid the foundation for his future research endeavors.

Professional Endeavors

Dr. Gugsa has held various academic and professional positions throughout his career. From 1995 to 2005, he served as a lecturer and researcher at Mekelle University, Ethiopia, where he taught courses in engineering geology, soil and rock mechanics, and geomorphology. In 2006, he joined Addis Ababa University as an Associate Professor in the School of Earth Sciences, a position he holds to date. Additionally, he worked as a senior geotechnical engineer at Saba Engineering PLC from 2010 to 2013, contributing to standards, manuals, and procedural developments for foundation investigations.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Gugsa's research has primarily focused on slope stability, geotechnical investigations, and geohazard analysis. He has been involved in numerous projects, including landslide hazard zonation and mapping, road slope cut stability assessment, and hydropower reservoir rim slope stability analysis. His expertise extends to GIS-based landslide risk zonation, construction material quality assessment, and dam foundation seepage evaluations. Dr. Gugsa has also contributed to the development of flexible geodatabases for catchment-based projects and geohazard assessments.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Gugsa has received several awards and recognition for his contributions to the field. Notably, he was awarded the AEG Best Publication Award in 2024 for his paper on internal erosion and ground fissures around Lake Ziway, Ethiopia. His research has been published in prestigious journals and presented at international conferences, highlighting his significant impact on geotechnical engineering and geohazard analysis.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Gugsa's work has had a profound impact on the field of geotechnical engineering, particularly in Ethiopia. His research has provided valuable insights into slope stability, landslide risk evaluation, and geohazard mitigation, influencing both academic and practical approaches to geotechnical challenges. He has advised over 40 postgraduate research theses, mentoring the next generation of geotechnical engineers and researchers.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Gugsa's legacy is marked by his extensive contributions to geotechnical research and education. His work has improved the understanding of geotechnical hazards and their mitigation, benefiting infrastructure development and disaster risk management in Ethiopia and beyond. As he continues his career, Dr. Gugsa is poised to make further significant contributions to the field, advancing knowledge and practice in geotechnical engineering and geohazard analysis.


Notable Publications

GIS-based statistical analysis for landslide susceptibility evaluation and zonation mapping: A case from Blue Nile Gorge, Gohatsion-Dejen road corridor, Central Ethiopia 2024

Assessment of rock slope stability using slope stability probability classification (SSPC) system, around AlemKetema, North Shoa, Ethiopia 2021 (10)

Possible Role of Internal Erosion in the Development of Ground Fissures around Lake Ziway, Ethiopia 2024

Ultra - low head hydro power resource assessment and management – A solution for rural electrification 2020


Hassan Esmaeilzadeh | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Hassan Esmaeilzadeh | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Shahid Beheshti University | Iran

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Hassan Esmaeilzadeh's academic journey has been marked by a commitment to Geography and Urban Planning. He earned his Bachelor's degree from Tabriz University, his Master's from Tarbiat Modarres University, and his Doctorate degree from Shahid Beheshti University. His primary fields of expertise include sustainable ecotourism, environmental studies, and spatial planning.

Professional Endeavors

Since 2012, Dr. Esmaeilzadeh has been serving as an Assistant Professor at the Geography and Urban Planning Department of Shahid Beheshti University. Prior to this, he held academic positions at Payame Noor University and Azad Islamic University. His professional journey also includes roles as a researcher at various institutions and consultancy companies, contributing to urban and rural development, environmental planning, and sustainable global city initiatives.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Esmaeilzadeh's expertise lies in sustainable ecotourism, environmental studies, and spatial planning. His extensive research portfolio covers diverse areas, including the spatial impacts of lifestyle changes, adaptation to climate change, and the sustainability of ecotourism in protected areas. His contributions extend to grants from various institutions and refereeing for reputable journals in environmental sciences and tourism management.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his academic career, Dr. Esmaeilzadeh has been recognized for his academic excellence. He secured the first rank in the national master's entrance exam in 2001, was the top student of the M.A course at Tarbiat Modarres University in 2003, and received the Distinguished Ph.D. Student of the Year of Iran award in 2009.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Esmaeilzadeh's impact extends beyond academia, as evident from his executive responsibilities, consultancy roles, and managerial positions in various organizations. His expertise in ecotourism, environmental planning, and urban management positions him as a key influencer in shaping sustainable urban development and environmental policies.

Legacy and Future Contributions

With an impressive record of courses taught, advisory roles, and supervisory positions for M.A. and Ph.D. candidates, Dr. Esmaeilzadeh is contributing to the development of future scholars and practitioners in the field. His continued research, grant projects, and editorial positions showcase a dedication to leaving a lasting legacy in the realms of environmental planning and sustainable urban development.

Notable Publications

Waterless wetlands, as a new source of wind erosion: Developing remediation strategies for the Hamoon Wetland in Iran 2023 (1)

Evaluating the ecological security of ecotourism in protected area based on the DPSIR model 2023 (1)

Land potential for ecotourism development and assessing landscape ecology in areas on protection of Iran 2023 (4)

Assessing Changes in Land Use/Land Cover and Ecological Risk to Conserve Protected Areas in Urban–Rural Contexts 2023 (4)

Prioritizing Water Resources for Conservation in a Land of Water Crisis: The Case of Protected Areas of Iran 2022 (2)


Prof. Nawab Bahadar | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Nawab Bahadar | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award

COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus | Pakistan

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Professor Bahadar Nawab Khattak's academic journey was marked by an early dedication to understanding the intersection of development, environment, and societal well-being. His foundational years displayed a keen interest in subjects related to environment and development studies, setting the stage for his future academic pursuits.

Professional Endeavors

With over 28 years of diverse experience in teaching, research, and administrative roles, Professor Khattak has been a stalwart in academia. His tenure at COMSATS University Abbottabad exemplifies his commitment to fostering interdisciplinary studies in Development, Environment, Conflict, and Post-disaster Development, both locally and internationally.

Contributions and Research Focus

Professor Khattak's multifaceted expertise spans various critical areas, including livelihood and food security, relief and reconstruction in post-disaster/conflict situations, sustainable sanitation, water supply, climate change, and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR). His research has been pivotal in addressing pressing issues impacting communities, particularly in Pakistan and abroad.

Accolades and Recognition

His exceptional contributions have earned him recognition and accolades within the academic sphere, both nationally and internationally. Awards and acknowledgments underscore his significant impact in the fields of Development, Environment, and Conflict Resolution.

Impact and Influence

Professor Khattak's influence extends beyond academia, with his research and advocacy efforts contributing significantly to policy-making, institutional collaborations, and societal development. His work has reshaped perspectives and practices, leaving a lasting impression on the realms of environment, development, and conflict resolution.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Professor Bahadar Nawab Khattak leaves behind a legacy defined by his dedication to interdisciplinary research and a profound impact on academia and societal well-being. His contributions have laid a solid foundation for future scholars, inspiring them to address critical global challenges in development, environment, and conflict resolution.

Notable Publications

Optimal energy modeling and planning in the power system via a hybrid firefly and cuckoo algorithm in the presence of renewable energy sources and electric vehicles 2023 (3)