Mayra Nicolás Gracía | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Mayra Nicolás Gracía | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Teziutlán | Mexico

Author Profile



Early Academic Pursuits 📚

Dr. Mayra Nicolás García began her academic journey with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biochemical Engineering with a specialty in Food from the Tuxtepec Technological Institute (2008-2012). Her interest in food science led her to pursue a Master's Degree in Food Science at the same institution. Her thesis focused on the physicochemical characterization and sensory evaluation of vanilla extracts, guided by Dr. Araceli Pérez Silva. She furthered her studies with a Doctorate in Food Sciences from the National School of Biological Sciences, National Polytechnic Institute (2017-2021), where she explored the aromatic characteristics of vanilla fruit.

Professional Endeavors 🔬

Dr. Nicolás García's professional career is marked by significant contributions to food science and engineering. She has worked at various institutions, including the Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de San Felipe del Progreso and the Tuxtepec Technological Institute. Her roles have encompassed teaching, research, and project management. Her research stay at CIRAD-Université de La Réunion and her participation in multiple research projects have enhanced her expertise in food science, particularly in the extraction and characterization of bioactive compounds.

Contributions and Research Focus 🔍

Dr. Nicolás García's research focuses on the extraction and analysis of bioactive compounds from various food sources, including vanilla and mango. Her work involves the use of advanced chromatographic techniques to identify and quantify bioactive compounds and assess their functional properties. She has published extensively on topics such as the micromechanical analysis of food structures, the impact of post-harvest storage on food quality, and the valorization of agro-industrial waste. Her research also delves into the functional and nutraceutical properties of foods, with a keen interest in improving food safety and quality.

Accolades and Recognition 🏅

Dr. Nicolás García has received recognition for her contributions to food science and technology. She holds a Level I position in the National System of Researchers (SNII) and has been involved in various funded research projects. Her work has been acknowledged through multiple publications in high-impact journals and book chapters. She has also been active in scientific dissemination, contributing to the advancement of food science through both research and teaching.

Impact and Influence 🌟

Dr. Nicolás García's impact extends beyond her research contributions. Her work on the characterization of bioactive compounds and the evaluation of food quality has influenced practices in food processing and safety. Her involvement in academic programs and research projects has helped shape the curriculum and research focus at her institutions. Her contributions to the field of food science and engineering continue to inspire and guide future research and development in the industry.

Legacy and Future Contributions 🔮

As Dr. Nicolás García advances in her career, her focus on bioactive compounds and food safety remains pivotal. Her future contributions are likely to further enhance the understanding and application of functional foods and the management of food resources. Her ongoing projects and research are expected to continue impacting the field of food science, fostering innovations that address global challenges in food safety and quality.


Publications 📚

  • 📝 Effect of post-harvest storage on the chemical and microstructural characteristics of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
    Authors: Nicolás-García, M., Perucini-Avendaño, M., Perea-Flores, M.D.J., Camacho-Díaz, B.H., Dávila-Ortiz, G.
    Journal: Food Chemistry
    Year: 2024

  • 📝 Effect of cooking on structural changes in the common black bean (Phaseolus vulgaris var. Jamapa)
    Authors: Perucini-Avendaño, M., Arzate-Vázquez, I., Perea-Flores, M.D.J., Nicolás-García, M., Dávila-Ortiz, G.
    Journal: Heliyon
    Year: 2024

  • 📝 Nanosuspensions as carriers of active ingredients: Chemical composition, development methods, and their biological activities
    Authors: Aguilar-Hernández, G., López-Romero, B.A., Nicolás-García, M., García-Galindo, H.S., Montalvo-González, E.
    Journal: Food Research International
    Year: 2023

  • 📝 Phenolic Compounds in Agro-Industrial Waste of Mango Fruit: Impact on Health and Prebiotic Effect – a Review
    Authors: Nicolás-García, M., Borrás-Enríquez, A.J., González-Escobar, J.L., Pérez-Pérez, V., Sánchez-Becerril, M.
    Journal: Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences
    Year: 2023

  • 📝 Phenolic compounds profile by UPLC-ESI-MS in black beans and its distribution in the seed coat during storage
    Authors: Nicolás-García, M., Perucini-Avendaño, M., Arrieta-Báez, D., Beatriz Gómez-Patiño, M., Dávila-Ortiz, G.
    Journal: Food Chemistry
    Year: 2022


Mahdy Hamed | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Mahdy Hamed | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Agriculture Faculty, New Valley University | Egypt

Author Profile

Google Scholar

Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Mahdy Hassan Hamed Rashed, born on 18/10/1977 in Sohag Governorate, Egypt, embarked on his academic journey at Al-Azhar University, earning a Bachelor's degree in Agricultural Sciences (Soil and Water) with an excellent grade and honors. He continued his educational pursuit with a Master's degree in Agricultural Sciences (Soil and Water) from Assiut University, focusing on the transformations of phosphorus forms in calcareous soils induced by organic materials. Driven by a passion for soil and water sciences, he achieved a Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences (Soil and Water) from Assiut University, titled "Effect of Organic Amendments on Potassium Dynamics in Clay and Calcareous Sandy Soils."

Professional Endeavors

Currently holding the position of Associate Professor at New Valley University, Egypt, Dr. Rashed specializes in soil chemistry, soil fertility, plant nutrients, organic agriculture, organic waste management, hydroponics, and aquaponics. His extensive experience includes expertise in soil fertility, plant nutrition, and the production of organic fertilizers. Proficient in soil and water analysis devices, he excels in preparing nutrient solutions for hydroponics.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Rashed's research has significantly contributed to understanding potassium dynamics in different soil types under the influence of organic amendments. His work encompasses the transformations of phosphorus forms in calcareous soils induced by organic materials. His expertise extends to organic agriculture, emphasizing sustainable practices and waste management. Additionally, he explores innovative cultivation methods such as hydroponics and aquaponics.

Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Rashed's academic journey has been marked by excellence, earning honors during his bachelor's studies. His contributions to the field have been acknowledged with the award of a Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Sciences. His dedication and achievements have been recognized through various research productivity awards.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Rashed's impact extends beyond academia, as he actively engages in practical applications of his research findings. His work in soil fertility and organic agriculture has the potential to influence sustainable farming practices, promoting environmental consciousness.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Mahdy Hassan Hamed Rashed leaves a legacy of insightful research in soil and water sciences. His commitment to sustainable agriculture and organic practices positions him as a key figure in shaping the future of eco-friendly farming. His ongoing contributions are anticipated to further advance knowledge in soil fertility, plant nutrition, and innovative cultivation methods.

Notable Publications

Zinc and amino acids improve the growth, physiological, and biochemical attributes of corn under different irrigation levels 2024

Perspective Chapter: The Toxic Silver (Hg) 2023

Foliar application of iron-lysine to boost growth attributes, photosynthetic pigments and biochemical defense system in canola (Brassica napus L.) under cadmium stress 2023

Modelling and Digital Mapping of the Infiltration Characteristics of Major Agricultural Soils 2022

Eco-friendly production of biochar via conventional pyrolysis: Application of biochar and liquefied smoke for plant productivity and seed germination 2021 (20)





Dr. Li Yang | Environmental Science | Young Scientist Award

Dr. Li Yang | Environmental Science | Young Scientist Award

Key Laboratory of the Evaluation and Monitoring of Southwest Land Resources, Ministry of Education, Sichuan Normal University | China

 Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Li Yang embarked on an academic journey marked by a strong focus on environmental sciences. Having obtained a Ph.D. from the College of Architecture and Environment at Sichuan University in 2022, Dr. Yang's academic foundation laid the groundwork for specialized research in environmental remediation and safe plant cultivation.

Professional Endeavors

As an assistant researcher at the Key Laboratory of the Evaluation and Monitoring of Southwest Land Resources, Ministry of Education, situated at Sichuan Normal University in Chengdu, China, Dr. Yang actively engages in cutting-edge research. Their position underscores a commitment to evaluating and monitoring land resources, particularly in addressing heavy metal pollution in soil and promoting the safe cultivation of medicinal plants.

Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Yang's current research is centered around the crucial areas of remediating heavy metal pollution in soil and ensuring the safe cultivation of medicinal plants. This specialized focus highlights a dedication to addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

Accolades and Recognition

While specific accolades and recognition details may not be provided, Dr. Yang's contributions and commitment to research in the domains of environmental remediation and safe plant cultivation likely contribute to their growing recognition within the academic and scientific community.

Impact and Influence

Dr. Yang's work in addressing heavy metal pollution in soil and promoting safe planting practices holds significant potential for impact. By mitigating environmental hazards and ensuring the safety of cultivated medicinal plants, their research can influence agricultural practices and contribute to environmental sustainability.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Yang's legacy may be defined by their contributions to the understanding and implementation of remediation strategies for heavy metal pollution in soil. Their ongoing research in promoting the safe cultivation of medicinal plants is poised to contribute to sustainable agricultural practices. Their future contributions may extend to shaping policies and methodologies aimed at environmental remediation and safe agricultural practices, leaving a lasting impact on environmental and agricultural sciences.

Notable Publications

Differential responses of polysaccharides and antioxidant enzymes in alleviating cadmium toxicity of tuber traditional Chinese medicinal materials 2022 (6)

Foliar application of flavonoids (rutin) regulates phytoremediation efficiency of Amaranthus hypochondriacus L. by altering the permeability of cell membranes and immobilizing excess Cd in the cell wall 2022 (12)

Selenium alleviates toxicity in Amaranthus hypochondriacus by modulating the synthesis of thiol compounds and the subcellular distribution of cadmium 2022 (22)