Maria Margariti | Medicine and Dentistry | Best Researcher Award

Assoc Prof Dr. Maria Margariti | Medicine and Dentistry | Best Researcher Award

1st Department of Psychiatry, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | Greece

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Early Academic Pursuits 🎓

Dr. Maria Margariti embarked on her academic journey at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, where she earned her Diploma in Medicine in 1989. Her dedication to psychiatry led her to complete a fellowship training program in community psychiatry in the UK in 1991-1992. By 1995, she had achieved her Psychiatric Specialty Licensure and continued her education with a Ph.D. in Psychiatric Education, which she completed in 2000. Her early academic foundation laid the groundwork for a successful career in psychiatry.

Professional Endeavors 🏥

Since 2002, Dr. Margariti has been an integral part of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, where she progressed from Lecturer to her current position as Associate Professor of Psychiatry. She has been pivotal in various leadership roles, including heading the psychiatric emergencies and outpatient clinic at Eginition Hospital. Additionally, she founded the Crisis Intervention and Management Unit for severe psychiatric disorders, showcasing her commitment to advancing psychiatric care.

Contributions and Research Focus 🔍

Dr. Margariti’s research primarily focuses on psychiatric education and the psychopathology of psychosis. Her extensive clinical observations led to the recognition of a complex emotional state called ‘Psychotic Arousal.’ This groundbreaking concept highlights an increased affective tone and symptoms of experiential alienation in acute psychosis. Her work has opened new avenues for understanding the neurobiology of emotions and consciousness in the context of psychiatric disorders.

Accolades and Recognition 🏆

Dr. Margariti’s contributions to the field have not gone unnoticed. She has published 45 journals and is cited 716 times, reflecting the impact of her research. She has been involved in developing clinical guidelines for treating schizophrenia and has served as an advisor in various professional psychiatric organizations. Her leadership roles and innovative research have solidified her reputation in the psychiatric community.

Impact and Influence 🌍

Through her educational initiatives, Dr. Margariti has shaped the training of numerous medical students and trainee psychiatrists. Her involvement in postgraduate courses and mentorship has significantly influenced the next generation of psychiatric professionals in Greece. By addressing critical aspects of psychiatric education and psychopathology, her work continues to resonate within the medical community.

Legacy and Future Contributions 🔮

Dr. Margariti’s pioneering research on ‘Psychotic Arousal’ is poised to leave a lasting legacy in psychiatric literature. As she continues to explore the complexities of acute psychosis, her findings may lead to enhanced diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in psychiatry. With her ongoing commitment to research and education, she is well-positioned to make further significant contributions to the field.



📝 Psychotic Arousal and the Psychopathology of Acute Schizophrenia: An Exploratory Study of the Experiential Emotional State in Acute Psychosis
Authors: MM Margariti, II Vlachos, D Mpourazana, P Aristotelidis, M Selakovic, ...
Journal: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Year: 2024

📝 Frequent visitors in a university psychiatric emergency department in Greece
Authors: I Vlachos, P Chondraki, P Magioglou, E Lempesi, D Bourazana, ...
Journal: European Psychiatry
Year: 2022

📝 The concept of psychotic arousal and its relevance to abnormal subjective experiences in schizophrenia. A hypothesis for the formation of primary delusions
Authors: MM Margariti, II Vlachos
Journal: Medical Hypotheses
Year: 2022

📝Psychiatric specialty training in Greece: Comparative analysis of educational programs (2000 vs 2014)
Authors: M Margariti, C Papageorgiou
Journal: Psychiatrike= Psychiatriki
Year: 2017


María Alejandra Aguirre | Health Professions | Best Researcher Award

Prof Dr. María Alejandra Aguirre | Health Professions | Best Researcher Award

Universidad Católica de Cuenca | Ecuador

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Early Academic Pursuits 📚

Prof. Dr. María Alejandra Aguirre embarked on her academic journey with a focus on Nutrition and Food Sciences. She completed her undergraduate education at the Catholic University of Cuenca, where she earned her degree in Food Engineering in 2007. Her passion for the field led her to further her studies with a Master's degree in Food Quality from the National University of Education (UNAE) in 2016. She continued to build on this foundation, achieving a PhD in Nutrition and Food Sciences from the University of Granada in March 2023. Her academic training has been marked by a consistent pursuit of knowledge and excellence.

Professional Endeavors 💼

Prof. Aguirre has held various professional roles that reflect her expertise and commitment to nutrition and food sciences. Her career includes significant positions such as Head of the Department of Nutrition at the Catholic University of Cuenca and involvement with the District Directorate of Popular Economy and Solidarity. She has also served as an accredited researcher by SENESCYT (National Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation) and has contributed to numerous projects related to nutritional education and food quality.

Contributions and Research Focus 🔬

Prof. Aguirre’s research primarily revolves around nutritional status, food quality, and public health. Her work includes studies on the impact of dietary habits on the nutritional status of children and the effectiveness of nutrition education programs in indigenous communities. Notable publications include her research on the relationship between fried food consumption and nutritional status in children, and the characterization of complementary feeding practices. Her research is aimed at improving public health outcomes through better nutritional practices and education.

Accolades and Recognition 🏆

Prof. Aguirre has been recognized for her outstanding contributions to the field of nutrition. She was honored with the Honorato Vásquez Award by the University of Azuay as the best graduate. Additionally, her work has been featured in the "Academic Women of Cañar" book, which highlights influential women in academia. Her achievements have been acknowledged through various awards and publications, underscoring her impact in the field.

Impact and Influence 🌍

Prof. Aguirre’s work has had a significant impact on both local and international levels. Her research and publications contribute valuable insights into nutritional practices and public health strategies. Her involvement in community-based projects and educational programs has helped improve dietary habits and health outcomes in various populations, particularly in Ecuador. Her influence extends through her roles as an educator, researcher, and advocate for better nutrition and public health.

Legacy and Future Contributions 🚀

Prof. Aguirre’s legacy is marked by her dedication to advancing knowledge in nutrition and her commitment to improving public health. Her future contributions are likely to continue shaping the field of nutrition through ongoing research, educational initiatives, and community outreach. As she moves forward, her work will likely address emerging nutritional challenges and continue to influence health policies and practices. Her ongoing efforts will further solidify her role as a leading expert in nutrition and food sciences.



📚Irruption of Network Analysis to Explain Dietary, Psychological and Nutritional Patterns and Metabolic Health Status in Metabolically Healthy and Unhealthy Overweight and Obese University Students: Ecuadorian Case

  • Authors: María Alejandra Aguirre-Quezada; María Pilar Aranda-Ramírez
  • Journal: Nutrients
  • Year: 2024

📚Salud Digital: Un nuevo paradigma en la salud impulsado por la Tecnología, la Educación y el Derecho

  • Authors: Mercedes Magdalena Sarmiento Pesántez; Marina Cecilia Andrade Molina; María Alejandra Aguirre Quezada; Rosa Valeria Vázquez Villavicencio
  • Book
  • Year: 2024

📚Estado Nutricional y Parasitosis en Preescolares

  • Author: María Alejandra Aguirre
  • Journal: Polo del Conocimiento
  • Year: 2018