David Macdonald | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Mr. David Macdonald | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award

International Drugs and Development Advisor | United Kingdom

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

David Macdonald's academic journey is marked by a diverse engagement with various academic, governmental, and non-governmental organizations. His foray began with extensive work in research, rapid situational assessments, project management, and evaluation. He honed skills in institutional strengthening, capacity building, strategy development, and specialized in harm reduction, HIV/AIDS prevention, and international development.

Professional Endeavors

Over two decades, Macdonald garnered overseas experience in development, criminal justice, and drug-related issues across diverse regions including Africa, Central Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and South/Southeast Asia. His work spanned engagement with marginalized social groups—maximum security prisoners, refugees, indigenous peoples, sex workers, and people who inject drugs (PWID).

Contributions and Research Focus

His expertise encompasses applying 'best practice' in project design and implementation, including project cycle management, monitoring and evaluation, gender analysis, and stakeholder engagement across various countries and institutional settings. Macdonald reviewed and appraised drug prevention, treatment, and aftercare programs, providing advisory services and technical support for harm reduction programs, particularly targeting PWID and HIV/AIDS prevention in Central Asia.

Accolades and Recognition

Macdonald boasts a rich portfolio of research, evaluation, and assessment skills, from questionnaire design to ethnographic research techniques and conducting focus group discussions and interviews. He's undertaken rapid situational assessments and action research on drug use/HIV/AIDS across multiple communities worldwide, including Afghanistan, Botswana, Comoros, Liberia, Maldives, Pakistan, Thailand, and Uganda.

Impact and Influence

Notably, Macdonald spent five years managing the UNODC's Demand Reduction Afghanistan program, overseeing significant budgets and national staff. He's facilitated and assessed training modules and workshops on drug demand reduction, harm reduction, criminal justice, and HIV/AIDS prevention, impacting healthcare, social work, criminal justice, and NGO sectors.

Legacy and Future Contributions

His extensive publication portfolio, encompassing books, journal articles, research, and consultancy reports on drug use, harm reduction, HIV/AIDS, crime, and corruption, underscores his contributions. Macdonald's presentations at international meetings, conferences, seminars, and workshops worldwide further attest to his influence and commitment to addressing critical issues in drug-related challenges, public health, and social justice. His legacy lies in the comprehensive impact on policy, practice, and community interventions aimed at mitigating the impacts of drug abuse and related issues globally.

Notable Publications

Blooming flowers and false prophets: the dynamics of opium cultivation and production in Afghanistan under the Taliban 2005 (8)

Six rapid assessments of alcohol and other substance use in populations displaced by conflict 2011 (126)

Opiate use, treatment, and harm reduction in Afghanistan: Recent changes and future directions 2012 (25)



Zulong Guo | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Zulong Guo | Best Researcher Award - Award Winner 2023

Zulong Guo | Social Sciences

Congratulations, Zulong Guo, on being honored with the prestigious Best Researcher Award! Your relentless pursuit of excellence in research at Jilin University has set an exemplary standard in academia. Your unwavering commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of innovation in your field is truly commendable.

Your contributions to the realm of research, particularly in areas that intersect technology, science, and innovation, have been nothing short of exceptional. Your dedication to unraveling complex challenges and your impactful findings have not only elevated the academic discourse but also paved the way for practical solutions with far-reaching implications. This award is a testament to your diligence, expertise, and unwavering passion for making meaningful contributions to the world of research. Here's to your outstanding achievements and the continued success that lies ahead as you shape the future of academia with your groundbreaking work!

Early Academic Pursuits:

Zulong Guo embarked on an academic journey at Jilin University, focusing on quantitative economics within the School of Business and Management. Throughout the formative years of academic exploration, Zulong demonstrated an early passion for technological innovation and transitions, which laid the foundation for his future research endeavors.

Professional Endeavors:

As a dedicated Ph.D. candidate at the Research Centre for Quantitative Economics, Zulong delves deep into the realms of technological innovation and technical transitions. His academic pursuits are marked by rigorous research methodologies and a profound commitment to understanding the intricate dynamics of innovation within economic frameworks.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Zulong's contributions span the elucidation of complex technological innovation phenomena and their implications on economic landscapes. His research probes into the nuances of technical transitions, exploring the intersection of innovation, economic growth, and societal impact. Through meticulous analyses and scholarly inquiries, he aims to unravel the mechanisms driving transformative technological shifts.

Accolades and Recognition:

Zulong Guo's academic rigor and insightful contributions have garnered recognition within the academic community, earning him commendation for his scholarly endeavors. His dedication to understanding the intricacies of technological innovation has been acknowledged through accolades and acknowledgments from peers and mentors alike.

Impact and Influence:

Zulong's work extends beyond scholarly exploration, resonating with peers and scholars in the field. His insights into technological transitions hold the potential to influence policy-making and shape the discourse surrounding innovation's role in economic evolution. His research findings contribute to a broader understanding of innovation's societal and economic implications.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

Zulong Guo's legacy lies in his profound commitment to unraveling the complexities of technological innovation and transitions. His future contributions are poised to further deepen the understanding of innovation's role in shaping economies and societies. As he progresses in his academic journey, Zulong is poised to leave an indelible mark through his scholarly pursuits and insights in technological innovation and its economic ramifications.

Notable Publication

Smooth sailing ahead? Policy options for China's new energy vehicle industry in the post-subsidy era  January 2024

Author Profile