Bantalem Tilaye Atinafu |Nursing and Health Professions | Editorial Board Member

Mr. Bantalem Tilaye Atinafu | Nursing and Health Professions | Editorial Board Member

Debre Berhan University, Debre Berhan | Ethiopia

Author Profile

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Early Academic Pursuits

Bantalem Tilaye Atinafu embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor's degree in Nursing at Debre Berhan University. His passion for healthcare and education motivated him to pursue a Master's in Adult Health Nursing at Addis Ababa University, where he excelled with a remarkable 3.91 GPA, showcasing his commitment to academic excellence.

Professional Endeavors

Joining Debre Berhan University as a Lecturer, Bantalem dedicated himself to teaching and learning. His role extended beyond the classroom, contributing to the ethical review board, department council committees, and actively guiding both undergraduate and postgraduate students. His leadership expanded further as the Head Nurse in the Medicine Department at Hakim Gizaw Specialized Hospital, where he oversees various healthcare aspects.

Contributions and Research Focus

Bantalem's impactful contributions span teaching, research, and community service. As a research enthusiast, he has been actively engaged in numerous projects, with several publications in prestigious peer-reviewed journals. His commitment extends to community service through initiatives like student tutoring, first aid training, and grassroots soccer programs.

Accolades and Recognition

Bantalem's academic achievements, including his stellar GPA in Master's studies, stand as a testament to his dedication. His active involvement in research projects has garnered recognition within academic and professional circles.

Impact and Influence

Bantalem's influence is evident in his multifaceted roles – from shaping young minds as a lecturer to leading healthcare initiatives as a department head. His research outputs contribute to the broader academic and healthcare communities, leaving a lasting impact.

Legacy and Future Contributions

Bantalem's legacy lies in his holistic approach to education, healthcare, and community service. With a track record of achievements, he continues to inspire future healthcare professionals and researchers. His vision includes furthering impactful research and expanding community-oriented initiatives, leaving an enduring legacy in nursing and health professions.

Notable Publications

Prevalence and risk factors of malnutrition among adult cancer patients receiving chemotherapy treatment in cancer center, Ethiopia: Cross-sectional study 2021 (21)

Survival Status and Predictors of Mortality Among Colorectal Cancer Patients in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A Retrospective Follow-up Study 2020 (11)

Magnitude of Anxiety and Depression and Associated Factors among Palliative Care Patients with Cancer at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Ethiopia 2022 (4)