Dr. Zhiwei Yang | Computer Science | Best Researcher Award
Jinan University | China
Author Profile
Early Academic Pursuits
Zhiwei Yang embarked on his academic journey with a focus on Computer Science, earning a Master's degree in Computer Science from Fuzhou University. Subsequently, he delved into advanced studies, pursuing a Ph.D. in Computer Software and Theory at Jilin University. During his doctoral journey, he also broadened his academic horizons as a full-time exchange Ph.D. student at Hong Kong Baptist University, under the mentorship of Prof. Jing Ma.
Professional Endeavors
Currently holding the position of Assistant Professor at the Guangdong Institute of Smart Education, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China, Zhiwei Yang has demonstrated his commitment to academia. His professional path has been marked by a dedication to unraveling the intricacies of Information Extraction and Rumor Detection.
Contributions and Research Focus
Zhiwei Yang's research contributions extend beyond the confines of traditional academia. With over 10 publications in esteemed international conferences and journals such as AAAI, IJCAI, EMNLP, COLING, TNNLS, IPM, Neurocomputing, among others, he has significantly impacted the fields of Information Extraction and Rumor Detection. Furthermore, his innovative work has been acknowledged with the granting of three Chinese national invention patents.
Accolades and Recognition
Zhiwei Yang's scholarly pursuits have earned him recognition and respect in the academic community. Serving as a reviewer for prestigious conferences and journals including ACL, AAAI, KDD, IPM, Neural Networks, reflects the acknowledgment of his expertise in the field.
Impact and Influence
Zhiwei Yang's influence resonates not only through his publications and patents but also through his role as an educator, shaping the minds of aspiring scholars. His insights and contributions have contributed to advancements in the understanding and application of Information Extraction and Rumor Detection.
Legacy and Future Contributions
As an emerging figure in the realm of Computer Science, Zhiwei Yang's legacy is marked by a dedication to knowledge dissemination and innovative research. His future contributions are anticipated to further enrich the fields of Information Extraction and Rumor Detection, leaving an enduring impact on the academic landscape.
Notable Publications
A Coarse-to-fine Cascaded Evidence-Distillation Neural Network for Explainable Fake News Detection 2022
Context-Aware Attentive Multilevel Feature Fusion for Named Entity Recognition 2022 (22)
Bringing order to episodes: Mining timeline in social media 2021 (3)