Chansokhon Ngan | Medicine and Dentistry | Best Researcher Award

Mr. Chansokhon Ngan | Medicine and Dentistry | Best Researcher Award

West China Hospital of Sichuan University | China

Author Profile


Early Academic Pursuits

Mr. Chansokhon Ngan embarked on his academic journey with a fervent dedication to advancing knowledge in critical care medicine. As a PhD student specializing in Critical Care Medicine at West China Hospital of Sichuan University, he cultivated a strong foundation in research methodologies, data analysis, and clinical practice. His academic pursuits equipped him with the necessary skills to address complex clinical challenges and contribute meaningfully to patient care and medical research.

Professional Endeavors

Throughout his career, Mr. Ngan has been committed to advancing knowledge in critical care medicine through his research endeavors. One of his notable studies, titled "Cardiac index and heart rate as prognostic indicators for mortality in septic shock: A retrospective cohort study from the MIMIC-IV," exemplifies his dedication to excellence in research. Published in Heliyon Journal, this study investigated the relationship between cardiac index (CI), heart rate (HR), and mortality in septic shock patients, utilizing sophisticated data analysis techniques.

Contributions and Research Focus

Mr. Ngan's research focus revolves around critical illnesses, such as septic shock and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). His contributions to the field include studies on prognostic indicators for mortality in septic shock and predicting the early incidence and stratification of ARDS. Additionally, he is engaged in investigating the application of critical care ultrasound in managing acute respiratory and circulatory dysfunction, aiming to enhance clinical practices and improve patient outcomes.

Accolades and Recognition

Mr. Ngan's dedication to excellence in research has earned him recognition in the medical community. His study on prognostic indicators for mortality in septic shock, published in Heliyon Journal, showcases his commitment to advancing knowledge in critical care medicine. His contributions have been acknowledged for their implications for clinical practice and patient care.

Impact and Influence

Mr. Ngan's research endeavors have made a significant impact on the field of critical care medicine. By investigating prognostic indicators for mortality in septic shock and exploring the application of critical care ultrasound, he has contributed valuable insights that have the potential to improve patient outcomes and enhance clinical practices. His work has influenced the way healthcare providers monitor and manage critical illnesses, leading to more informed decision-making and improved patient care.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As Mr. Ngan continues his academic journey, he remains dedicated to making meaningful contributions to the field of critical care medicine. His research legacy encompasses a commitment to excellence, innovation, and improving patient outcomes. Through his ongoing endeavors, he aims to advance knowledge in critical care medicine, ultimately leaving a lasting impact on the field and paving the way for enhanced clinical practices and patient care.

Notable Publications

Cardiac index and heart rate as prognostic indicators for mortality in septic shock: A retrospective cohort study from the MIMIC-IV database 2024