Assist Prof Dr. Zhen Wang | Social Sciences | Best Researcher Award Shandong University of Finance and Economics | China
Mr. Sohail Muhammad | Engineering | Best Researcher Award University of Electronic Science and Technology of China | Pakistan Author
Dr. Theodoros Grivas | Medicine and Dentistry | Lifetime Achievement Award Tzaneio General Hospital of Piraeus | Greece  Aurhor Profile
Dr. Thi Sinh Vo | Materials Science | Excellence in Research Award Sungkyunkwan University | South Korea Author Profile Scopus
Mrs. Anna Borkowska | Environmental Science | Best Researcher Award University of Life Sciences in Lublin | Poland Author Profile
Dr. Dimitrios Karapiperis | Computer Science | Best Research Award International Hellenic University | Greece Author Profile Scopus Orcid Google
Dr. Ahmed Alzahrani | Dentistry | Best Researcher Award King Abdulaziz University | Saudi Arabia Author Profile Google Scholar 🏅
Assist Prof Dr. Anastasios Liapakis | Computer Science | Best Researcher Award University of West Attica | Greece Author Profile
Ms. Mona Ebadi Jalal | Computer Science | Best Researcher Award University of Louisville | United States Author Profile Orcid
Mr. Pavol Horička | Physical education and Sport | Best Research Award Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra | Slovakia

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