Mr. Yosuke Nagashima | Sports Nutrition | Best Researcher Award
Musashigaoka Junior College | Japan
Author Profile
Early Academic Pursuits 🎓
Mr. Yosuke Nagashima's academic journey began with his graduation from Nippon Sport Science University in 2002, where he laid the foundation for his career in sports science and nutrition. Recognizing the need for advanced knowledge, he pursued further studies at Tokyo Healthcare University, earning a postgraduate qualification in the Division of Medical Nutrition in 2019. His passion for academic excellence culminated in a Ph.D. in Science from the prestigious Kyoto Institute of Technology, where his dissertation focused on innovative aspects of sports nutrition.
Professional Endeavors 💼
Since 2012, Mr. Nagashima has been an integral part of Musashigaoka College in Saitama, Japan, serving as an Associate Professor in the Department of Health Science. His expertise in sports nutrition has also seen him take on influential roles such as a Councillor for the Japan Sports Nutrition Association and a member of its International Committee. Beyond academia, he contributes to the Kanto Golf Association as a Counselor, emphasizing his commitment to applying his knowledge to real-world contexts.
Contributions and Research Focus 🔬
Mr. Nagashima's primary research lies in the intersection of diet, athletic performance, and adolescent health. His groundbreaking work explores how nutritional strategies can enhance athletic outcomes and prevent issues such as heatstroke. His funded project, "Is it possible to judge heat stroke risk by 24-hour urine analysis?" supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, highlights his innovative approach to health science. With a strong focus on adolescents and children, his work addresses the critical need for tailored nutritional interventions in these populations.
Accolades and Recognition 🏆
Mr. Nagashima's contributions to the field of sports nutrition have earned him notable accolades, including the Award of Excellence from the Korean Society for Exercise Nutrition in 2019. His dedication to advancing health science and his leadership in international nutrition committees underscore his standing as a respected figure in the global sports nutrition community.
Impact and Influence 🌟
Through his teaching, research, and professional activities, Mr. Nagashima has significantly influenced the field of sports nutrition. His involvement with organizations like the Japan Sports Nutrition Association ensures the dissemination of cutting-edge knowledge and practices. Additionally, his role as a mentor to young academics and practitioners has created a lasting legacy of excellence in sports health science.
Legacy and Future Contributions 🚀
As a thought leader in sports nutrition, Mr. Yosuke Nagashima is poised to continue shaping the future of health science. His research addressing heatstroke prevention and enhancing athletic performance is not only vital to sports professionals but also has implications for public health. His dedication to fostering innovation and education ensures that his contributions will resonate for generations to come.
📘 High-Carbohydrate Energy Intake During a Round of Golf-Maintained Blood Glucose Levels, Inhibited Energy Deficiencies, and Prevented Fatigue: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel Group Comparison Study
Authors: Yosuke Nagashima, Kiyohiro Ehara, Yoshitomo Ehara, Ayana Mitsume, Yuhei Uchikoba, Shigeru Mineo
Journal: Nutrients
Year: 2024
📘 An Academic Cooperation Between the Japan Sports Nutrition Association (JSNA) and the Korean Society for Exercise Nutrition (KSEN)
Authors: Masaharu Kagawa, Yosuke Nagashima, Satomi Oshima, Akiko Sato, Tatsuya Ishizu, Kazuko Ishikawa-Takata, Motoko Taguchi
Journal: Physical Activity and Nutrition
Year: 2024
📘 Association Between Carbohydrate Intake During Golf Rounds and Its Related Factors in Japanese Elite Junior Golfers
Author: Yosuke Nagashima
Journal: International Journal of Golf Science
Year: 2024
📘 Effects of Continuous Carbohydrate Intake with Gummies During the Golf Round on Interstitial Glucose, Golf Performance, and Cognitive Performance of Competitive Golfers: A Randomized Repeated-Measures Crossover Design
Authors: Yosuke Nagashima, Kiyohiro Ehara, Yoshitomo Ehara, Ayana Mitsume, Kie Kubo, Shigeru Mineo
Journal: Nutrients
Year: 2023
📘 Associations Between Milk and Dairy Product Intake, Urinary Sodium-to-Potassium Ratio, and Socioeconomic Status in Japanese Male Adolescents
Authors: Yosuke Nagashima, Akiko Horikawa, Ayana Mitsume, Mari Mori
Journal: Adolescents
Year: 2022